

 It was a very short night.  I remember seeing 2:30 on my watch.  Some nights are like that because of medication.  So it is what it is again.  Thank goodness for time today to take it slow and easy.  Some folks aren't that lucky.                       The rooster has moved inside bring a few of his hens and chicks with him.  Welcome! The day started at 6:30 with breakfast and a little TV.  I did some texting with Adam.  He sent pictures and related that he's having trouble with pain after having one of those wonderful nerve blocks.  It's a learning curve that brings big surprises when adjusting pain pills. He has a pretty impressive 16 staples. Surgery and the accompany pain is difficult for adults let alone a teenager.  Hang in there Adam.                                               This is what 100 burps look like.  Babies are waiting.  I spent the morning sewing finishing up the 10 that I started yesterday with the last phase of sewing and then starting and finishing


 Awake early but the bed was nice and warm, and I knew the house would be cold.  And it was! Eventually I was up with coffee.  That helped a lot.  I had a banana for breakfast.  All my body's numbers were in the right place.  And I remembered the poison pills.  I wonder if Norbert is getting sick.                                        El even days since these were cut.  I've changed the water a few times.  The furnace man was here at 9 and the furnace got a kick on ready for the winter.  Doug thought it came on last night.  I'm not sure about that.  So, we're toasty.  I hate to turn it on before it has been checked.      Still blooming in the garden.  I must have planted seeds and forgot all about them.  Surprises are good. Mexican Sunflowers still blooming.  I gathered some dry flower heads looking for seeds to plant next spring.  The willow fence is holding up well.  I want to do more willow building next year.  I decided to do a little s-l-o-w sewing but first I tho


It's been a slow picture day.  Please excuse me!                Frost is predicted for Thursday night.  Then they are all memories.  I'm hoping to get lucky.  I should have known it was coming.  After two days of a whole lot of this and that, today was a bit slower.  Not slow, just slower.  It was an early wake up with a banana for breakfast over time.  I did some fabric cutting or should I say tearing.             It's crazy how this picture makes me happy.  You might or might not understand.  That's OK. A little after 10 we were on the way to my yearly meeting with Dr. Moore.  And that went well.  It's one of those yearly things that goes after big surgery.  Today he suggested that I was in good hands and could move on without him if that was OK with me.  I really like this guy but agreed that taking up his time with me just wasn't what he or I needed.  I told him that his iPhone tel. number would not be deleted.  Dr. Moore is an ear, nose and throat and head


                                                                                  A gift from the neighbor.                                                                        It's been a wonderful day.  So far, the body I live in has made a great adjustment to the poisoning of Norbert. PRAY that it continues.  The energy bucket has maintained the ability to give what is needed.  Thanks be to God.  I've asked a lot of God today.   I had a great sleep last night although the go to bedtime was a bit late.  Breakfast was oatmeal with blue berries and bananas. If I could just remember not fill the bowl.  My eyes are bigger than my stomach at EVERY meal.  I spent some time at the sewing machine with burps again. The number for Goodwill is up to 60.  The next hundred makes a total of 1300.   I'm limiting myself to 10 for the day.  The machine is happier if that happens.                                                Stella carried the flowers home under her seat.  What a helpe


  Some of you have seen these zinnias.  I cut them from Kimmy's garden last Sunday.  This is a today picture.  They are still beautiful.  I love these trusty little friends.  Sunday, Sunday... We were off to church a little earlier because of a rehearsal for the second service.  But before that happened, I stopped in the Gathering Place and had coffee with my good choir buddies.  I miss them. There is always an attempt to let all the participating folks know what needs to happen so then it was off to the rehearsal.  And that happened.   Being that it was St. Francis celebration Sunday the St. Francis canticle about the earth was a part of the service with visuals. It went off without a hitch. The adult readers were good, and the participating children were wonderful. The sermon centered on Philippian's 4 Rejoice Extravagantly.  Excellent thinking on the part of the preacher speaking to the pew sitters. We heard word about gratitude, thankfulness etc.  I could have shouted amen


 The last day of the week all day.  Woo. Woo.  It started early for me, and I'll add it started early for Doug but I beat his early by far.  Ms. Daisy was on her way to church at 8 am for the Saturday meal making, arriving at 8:30.  More folks came to work clocking in at what I felt was a time that would make meeting the 11 o'clock deadline difficult.  That proved to be true.  I was exhausted trying to cover all that was uncovered.  My plan is to have everything pretty much ready at 10:30 and then have time to rest and visit.  Today we barely made the 11 o'clock deadline.  There also was an unbelievable amount of extra food that needed attention.  Not enough workers today for sure for everything.  But everyone got a meal.  It was a healthy number eating with us.   Doug picked me up at 12:15.  Clean-up was happening, and I went on my way home leaving it for others to complete.  So the afternoon was resting and then working, resting and working. It was time to work on the pat


 First...a little bit about last night.  The northern lights were the topic for almost all my friends.  There were texts, pictures and we saw them around 10:30.  The pink was even visible without the camera for a short while I was out.  My pictures aren't so hot but I did get a few.  A little more tutoring might have helped.     From our patio.  Way to many lights in the front of the house.  I have another picture with light green.                                               This is from Jared's back yard near Midland Michigan. Judy B reported that there was color that completely covered the sky from North to South and East to West.  With not an electric light anywhere she sent wonderful pictures.   So this morning was the same old same old for breakfast.  It works pretty good so I'll stay with it until I can't.  I did more ripping and sewing this morning.  The machine was on better behavior, but I didn't push it very hard.  I was happy and I think the machine was