
Showing posts from May, 2021

Once again.

 Yes, once again I'm dancing in the garden.  Last night a lot of zinnia's were transplanted.  This morning more.  And yes they still are struggling like almost every other year, with spray problems.  But since this is a repeat I know they will struggle out of it and be great zinnia flowering plants for the butterflies.  They are the attractors to the milkweed where eggs are laid.   Those are the Monarchs.  The dill is growing to support Swallowtails.   Yesterday I did a lot of fern removal in one area.  They are thick and thinning is necessary.  This morning I tackled another part of the bed.  So now there is breathing room.  The garden needs to breath.  There are more areas.  It's wack-a-moly time.   A short report on food.  Thinking calories.  Yogurt, fruit, olive oil added to as many things as possible,  whole milk, icecream and I continue to think! .    The taste stays pretty much the same whatever I add.  It tastes cold.      This morning's radiation makes it only

Middle of the afternoon. Oh, Dear!!!

 It's been a day so far packed with stuff.   My eyes flew open around 4:30.  No need for that awakening but it happened.  Up at 6.  Breakfast, Crossword with to much to figure out and then backed the car out of the garage at 7:15.  Another great session with Denise at 7:30.  8:20 Radiation and 8:40 a session with the nutritionist Jessie.  It's the calorie girl for sure,  Whole milk...cream fruit drinks, adding oil for calories,  protein drinks and more.  Stopped at Meijers for some protein drinks and then on to Goodwill to purchase a great find in Hamilton Beach blenders.  Then across town to spend time with my sister and her daughter.  We had such a great visit.  My sister is healing and is receiving great care from her daughter.  And then it was home around 12:30.  Woo.. a whirlwind of a morning.   Then came some experimenting with mixing drinks.  I'm giving this my best shot.  Bodies with calories heal better.    This afternoon Patty stopped by with a novel about the cop

What's happening.

Up and busy this morning.  Breakfast, paper crossword puzzle, walk in the garden...Woo...there was a big party during the night and I wasn't invited.  Have a heart trap sprung and no one trapped.  Big feeder pulled down and completely emptied.  Sounds like a raccoon party.  So...some more changes will be made.  I think most of the baby birds are well on their way and we just might cut the options on the menu.  Sounds like a plan.  Raccoons are heavy eaters and we just can't support them with black sunflower seed food.  Besides they need to make their raid in some other garden.   Another radiation of course this morning and I asked to see the x rays that are taken each morning.  What are they looking at. X rays get my head in the right place for the machine to do it's work.  There is one every morning.  And it was show and tell morning.  Always learning as J B says.   I spent some time at the grocery store trying to find a few options for eating.  Didn't succeed with tha

The fifth Monday.

 Yes...there is a number on the calendar.  There will be a 6th Tues. next week and then there will be a last Bell Ringing Friday that week.  In this instance, time passing is a gift.  But for today...I told those who help with radiation...  I will never forget your kindness.  That also includes the soft tissue P T Denise.  What a gift they all are.  On my to do list for today all four things have been completed and it's 11;10.  To conclude the health report.  My skin which received some harsh but unintended abuse last Monday has healed beautifully. .It would appear the swallowing problem is back.    I might just be crushing my pills.  That should work.  I'm hoping for a nutritionist call to schedule an appointment. The plan is to have help with finding foods that have some semblance of  acceptable calories.  I just might  try egg nog, a favorite drink but without mint for someone in the family to know.   Attended church in the flesh yesterday!  Such a beautiful place to worship

The Lord's Day Sunday?

 That title is sort of strange...Every day is a day from the  Lord..  It's a gift given to us to use.  So...I'll be using it.  Just how, not sure.  But today is the celebration of the birthday of the Church.  The Holy Spirit Day.  And the troupe that gathered yesterday in the sanctuary for the red decoration experience certainly pulled the rug out for this celebration.  It's an exciting Sunday.  My favorite of the year.  I might just need to attend.  Right now choir members have that choice for the 11 o'clock service..  Starting in June the 11 o'clock service  will be open with masks and social distancing.   The garden walk completed.  Pulled a few more sick plants but I think the worst could  be over.  Now that would be nice.  The blue bells continue to melt away.  This week could see some clearing of that space with healthy zinnias getting a chance to move to that spot.  There is always something to do in the garden.  lt's my secret, well maybe, hiding place. 

On it...Sort of.

 A little draggy this morning.  Breakfast could help.  Maybe. Cross word done and the first walk through the garden over.  All yesterday planted friends are looking just fine but the effect of the yard weed spray continues.  It's not good but not surprised.  Some flowers are really tender little friends.  I think there will be more pulling to do this afternoon.  The spray stops growth and the plants thin out and die.   Humm...thought of  a similar thing happening in my body.  Radiation...poison...I'm loosing weight. Radiation kills a lot of good and bad but the good can regenerate eventually.   More in common than I thought.   This morning will be a fun morning.  It's off to church and decorating for Pentecost Sunday.  Friends will be there to help. favorite of the year.  It's the birthday Sunday of the church.  We'll spread lots of red fabric.  Tropical plants with lots of red leaves are at the altar. Red...a fire symbol.  The comforter came to the d

OOPS! Distractions.

 OOPS...that's for sure.  Radiation this morning as usual.  Sort of like brushing your teeth.  It's good for you but you might forget.  Our lawn weed man fried a few flower plants.  So...this morning I found a few replacements for the annuals and pulled the sick plants for the garbage can.  Such a bummer but happens more times than I want to think of.  It's called drift.  Noah arrived and we started to plant.  So most are in but finishing tonight when the sun is a little softer.   The doctor gave me his weekly report.  It would seem that it's the 4th week report.  Skin seems to be hanging in there and he things it will be OK for the next two weeks.  A big check of my mouth and throat.  Sores sometime happen at this point but that area seems to be now in the positive zone.  Blood pressure number is low so drink more water to get that bottom number up.  I'll do better.  Loosing weight...not to much but need to see a nutritionist who might make some helpful suggestions

Stuff to do.

Appointments to meet.  Of course there is always radiation till June 4th but there will be others to take my place. Prayers for those folks.     After radiation this morning I'll walk over to the other hospital building to see my primary doctor.  Woo...I walked to the car yesterday forgetting that I had an appointment with Denise the PT person.  My brain worked and I walked back in to see her.  My skin condition needs a bit of a rest so the plan is to have two shorter sessions next week with Denise.   Adjustments continue to be made with food selections.  It would seem that cottage cheese tastes good on a lot of things.   It's sort of gross but it works for now.  I think cottage cheese brings moisture that is so lacking.  The taste is acceptable.  Mint also is working.  Mint in coffee and mint icecream are favorites for today.  Tomorrow...who knows.   Thinking ahead to Sunday...It's Pentecost Sunday.  My favorite Sunday of the church year.  We're making some changes in

Wednesday morning.

 I think this promises to be a day for sure that can be spent outdoors.  My favorite.  Yesterday I promised myself to do a bit of pitching out.  Got it done but could have done more.  But enough is now in the garbage.  This morning I cleaned out the refrigerator.  There were containers of left overs left to reheat which needed to be moved out.  Done!!!!.  The orioles have their supply of jelly.  The suet was out and now in...Black Birds!...Yes...God's creatures but they need to move on to some other stash.  Big early morning sneeze yesterday while relaxing on the wicker chair resulted in a broken chair leg.  What a hoot.  It was a big sneeze. the burn pile it will go.  Not a huge surprise that it broke.  Just a very unexpected surprise to be sitting on a sloping seat after a sneeze.   Yesterday was our third in line grandson Adam's birthday.  We facetimes last night.  Such a neat kid interested in so many things one being soccer.  Birthday gifts.  Legos of course.  I a


 Looks like a repeat day of rain or clouds or something like  that.  I'm experiencing wet feet again after a walk in the garden.  That's expected.  The lawn guys sure have job security this time of year 2021,  Zinnias are on the way up but I'm sure not ready for the HOT weather coming at the end of the week.  So...beware friends.  Don't sunburn.  The cucumbers still are looking a bit down in the mouth.  I think 3 of the 8 have a chance.   Yesterday Doug and I went to the Blind School plant sale. I chose to miss the crowd by not attending on the weekend.   It would seem that the sale is over.  Because of Covid the sale days were last Sat. and Sun and then during the week from 3 to 6 PM.  Well, it really appears that the sale is over.  Over $ 23,000 is in the tile a gift of a first day sale.  The children at the school work with volunteers to make the plants available.   A few things are left but no cucumbers.  So...I bought 4 little different squash plants.  So a little

Completely new day with rain.

 A new slate to write on called today.  A new chance to try to get it right.  A new hour, a new minute gifted.  Radiation over already and a visit with the doctor.  This time to check on some skin issues.  Don't worry...instructions given for healing and the rest of the day is mine to use.  A stop at the drug store proved to be the ticket to healing.   A zoom call at 10 to discuss church opening possibilities. Who, What, When...I know where.  Church.  Perhaps a little lessening of restrictions will be on the discussion table.  We'll see.   When meeting with the doctor this morning he happened to mention the rain.  I offered that I'm a gardener and he jumped right into the conversation.  We discussed tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers and shared that the rain was a good thing even though it brought a soggy atmosphere for us, the garden needed that very rain.  Gentle, and just a now and then rain all during the day.   When teaching rain made a difference in another way.  There w


 Yes...a little slow feeling this morning.  Maybe I need the garden pickup.  I did check on the garden on the way in from gathering the Sunday paper.  Doug won't be happy when he hears that the  front part of the paper has not been delivered.   A big OOPS!  But the funnies have arrived. That's even better than the front section.   Zinnias are getting their second or real leaves.  They look healthy.  Basel is showing and there are tiny, tiny baby deer track right beside the Basel.  All the plants the deer usually eat  seem to be safe.  Yes...there is always something going on in the garden during the night.   The three Dalia plants are in the ground.  I'm going to call them the three amigos.  The last one planted had an unexpected landing in the hole.  It was an oops moment that brought me to my knees.  I don't do knees very often when planting but this little friend need immediate help.  So...hoping for the best. It was a rocky roller coaster ride to the hole. .   Amigo

half way mark.

 Three weeks and two  days...gone...Three more weeks to go with radiation.  The body that I call mine is changing.  A bit of nausea.  Taste buds are gone.  My body is a bit on the decline which is a new normal for a radiated body.  It's fighting the monster that is trying to gain control.  My body will win. So far there is little weight loss which we are grateful for.   I'm happy that Jello and custards are available.  My morning eggs  have a bit of cheese added for nutrition. So I'm eating for nutritional needs, not for taste. The radiation taste is not good.  My taste memory bank is empty..  Yesterday Dr. Langar shared that taste buds should regenerate within three months after radiation is complete.    So the lesson is perseverance.  I will persist.  Cancer is not an easy friend to live with.   So today.  7:30 a walk in the garden.  There is a tomato to plant as well as my new Dalia friends who are visiting my garden for the summer curtesy of  Kathy.  I hope they like it


 First on the computer for today.  That happens if I post before radiation.  Doug is still sleeping.  That's the case this morning.  It's been another good night of sleep.  My body must be saying tired or something like that. Sleep...what a good helper.   Yesterday a seat in the sun.  How relaxing with a sun that that is still pretty gentle.  My favorite that always is the case when camping in Upper Michigan.  It's always a gentle sun that warms.  Today I'm changing the chair to a camping chair.  Camping chairs are so good  for reading and sleeping.  There should be time for that today in the garden. Yesterday I planted one of Kathy's children.  Confused?  This plant lover have plants for children.  They cost a little at the beginning.  They never get sassy.  They don't need a college education.  They are great children.  Kathy's plant has a front and center place to live.  Right by the driveway.  In sight all the time and I know it will behave and show off

Where would I be without the garden?

 This morning my neighbors were out visiting at the garden.  They remarked about my interest in my garden.  They also have beautiful gardens.  A strange emotion flooded into my mind bringing tears of gratitude.  My garden is my safety place.  It has occupied my mind with good things.  It allows me expectations about what could be and will be with care.  It is my hiding place from the storm, a place where I can dance.  My garden is my healing place.  Where would I be if it were winter.  I don't know.   Where would I be without my friends.  My friends pray for me.  They send cards.  They call on the phone.  They text.  They bring meals.  They visit in the garden.  Where would I be without friends.  I don't know.   Where would I be without all the hymns that have come to me while masked at radiation.  Holy, Holy, Holy...Great is Thy Faithfulness.  What a Friend we have in Jesus.  There are so many hymns that fill that time.  Scripture...The 23rd psalm for one.  Where would I be wi


 It's the before time of the day.  Early is on time.  Before a walk in the garden.  Before radiation but after breakfast.  I have the day to fill with good things.  I'll take the challenge.  It will be fun.   It was a day of gift giving that filled my day.  I started the day with a body that was extremely tired.  After returning home from radiation I made two trips walking  around the entire garden looking and wondering and thinking about what could be made better for all.  I discovered that with a bit of time what was tired was no longer tired. The gift of energy was back.  Gift number one.  There were more.  Later in the day I made a trip to see Kathy for something I thought was important.  She didn't agree.  Bummer.  But what a gift she gave me.  A free Bird apt for my Iphone.  My goodness.  I can look up anything about birds..  The bird I saw at the hospital  a few days ago was a killdeer.  What a funny bird running around on the road.  I'll remember that bird for s

New week of more beginnings.

 This Monday starts with the sun shinning.  So welcomed after a gray day that brought a lot of rain and cold temps for May.  Frost tis morning in the lower part of the yard  but I think the plants are safe.   Radiation for the day is finished.  Once again the ladies that I see are so positive in attitude and so helpful applying the mask.  I am blessed.  Today my body seems to be tired.  Food now has a new taste of nothing. That is unless it's pickled beets and red beet eggs and just plain pickles.  This is not a surprise but to be expected.  Brings me to those pregnancy days when food choices were strange.  By the way...My name is not Sarah.  Thank goodness.    Custard and Jello are good to go also.  The swallowing issues are a bit better but wondering if the two day's off of radiation had something to do with that improvement.  The truth will be known at the end of the week.  PT time needs to happen and it will.  So that's enough about me.   My plan for the day is to lawn

Have a boat?

 It's raining and will be doing that all day so it seems.  So it will be a day inside with indoor stuff going on.  Just what is yet to be determined.  Probably some putting away stuff.  That always seems to be a to do waiting for the right time.  Doug will be going to church to sing again with the choir.  Being careful with where I put myself is always on my necessary list.  I'll be here doing the on line church.  No need to take any Covid or other germ chances.  Yesterday afternoon's work was a little plant tearing out to uncover the good stuff.  There is a 100% increase in Common milkweed in the garden.  A few years ago, maybe 10, I killed weeds in the early spring in the garden with spray.  Well, the killing spray continued down into the ground and killed ALL the common milkweed, the garden being covered with that butterfly lover.  Finally two years ago 1 milkweed stalk appeared...This year there are 2.  So it's a 100% improvement.  I'm happy for any improvement.


 Not the leopard type...but...ORIOLES are spotted...Yes...Yesterday afternoon Noah took down the oriole jelly feeder. He did the ladder climbing that is not on my list of things to do at this point.  The leaves of the tree were obscuring it from anything flying above.  A huge blob of jelly was added and then all was hung in the open area of the garden.  And low and 6 pm an oriole was spotted.  My goodness...was I excited jumping all over the kitchen and more.  I had to text the kids and a couple of friends.  This morning at 6:50 another spotting at the feeder.  I've read they eat at both of these times.  My goodness, what a gift to the garden.  We have orange, blue, red, yellow, gray, brown and of course BLACK birds at our feeders.  The black birds seem to fear the sound of the kitchen window being opened and at that point they leave the suet.  Good for them.  So far so good.  I do remember that all God's children need to eat.  Black birds can eat somewhere else. A

Playpen time!!!

 Yes...once again it's time in the playpen.  To many toys waiting so today I think they are all now close to being buried or something like that.  What fun but if I only had a brain.  I plan a two or three day event and not one.  Then somehow it all happens in one. No brain for sure but there is really a lot to watch grow up!  My neighbor Judy say that between us we each have a complete brain...My part is missing...Poor Judy!.   This morning my song was... we're all in our places with bright shinning faces.  That's what I think about when waiting at IU North for the call to be welcomed into the radiation room.  The line of cancer patients seems to just go on and on.  We're all in our places taking a turn on the table.  Today it was a session with two doctors.  Questions asked and answers given.  All seems to be in the OK place.  So onward and forward  Today is a Noah day. Off we went to Monon Central Park for a walk around the lake.  Great pictures were taken of the Gre

Early is on time.

 I am sure you all have heard that so today...I'm on time.  It's 7:20.  There is a big bright spot light in the east window.  Breakfast is over and I'm on the day!  Yesterday was another check on all the garden things.  Lots to look at and mess with.  I cleaned up some edging.  Threw out a bunch of weeds that I had left lying a few days ago.  Worked on cleaning off weeds from a path through the garden and sprayed to kill some lone thistles that are always popping up somewhere.  Spray is the only thing that will fix that problem.  Pulling only stimulates the roots left in the ground and from one root come many thistles.  The deer spray came out for a couple of places.  I've found that asters are a deer favorite.  No trips out.  Saved some money!  Might not be the case today.  One never knows.  The swamp milkweed and butterfly weed plants are doing well.  Fun awaits with Monarchs.  Dill is coming up for the Swallowtails.  Could be a bumper year.   A text from the Midland

When I'm late.

 When I'm late that only means that I'm playing in the dirt again.  Today the sun is out and I'm wearing my hat moving plants and getting rid of weeds.  The mind just is having a happy time in the play pen called garden.  My energy bucket is full and that's a blessing.  Yesterday I visited Meijers, Habigs and Rosie's all on the same trip out.  Of course there are a few things on the patio to plant in my wicker plant holder.  Something new this year.  Got to keep things fresh as my friend Doris often was heard to say.  What a lovely day with cool breezes and birds filling the air.  Our neighborhood Mr. Squirrel is here and not afraid of much of anything including people.  I've named him Mr. Ed.  Yes...should be a horse but this time a squirrel.  I've won the battle of keeping him out of the bird seed so he is a tolerable friend.   The day started with radiation again.  Day 10 of 32.  All is proceeding I think as it should.  So...what do I really know not bein

It's a good day.

 Yes...another good day for thanksgiving.  Up and out the door getting Eric to the bus stop for his trip to Indy.  Yesterday was a good day for him, fully enjoying his going back to his more than a year ago  job.  Then home for a bit and back to IU North for the same old same old thing as JB would say.  Radiation went smoothly without a hitch.  Next came the flower shop at Meijers looking to see what is available for a plant box at the front door.  There are lots and lots of options.   A trip to Target to return a fan and buy a new smaller knife set.  My set of many, many years had a few broken knives among other things.  Time for something new.  And next a stop to see my friend Dot on the way home. Dot has been a member at North Church and her husband David was a wonderful Sr. Minister at North a few years ago.  Dot is missing his presence.  So happy to find her in the yard doing flower stuff.  Such a sweet visit.  I plan to pick her up for some of my plant road trips.  One of those t

Gone for now.

 95% gone.  Still a bit of vertigo but able to function quite well..  Tipping my head from side to side as needed for PT is questionable.  So taking it easy for the day.  That included nap time at 11am.  Remembering when babies took two naps a day.  Woo...that was a long time ago.  It would seem that I'm following that baby plan.   Radiation went well.  My 3 angels who are with me every day went slowly with the mask as well as lying down and getting up.  No complaints from this lady, that's for sure.  Yesterday there was time in the garden doing a bit of watering,   Resting.  Checking another something out...Resting.  Hoe in hand, staying alert for new shoots was the ticket to success with Mr. Creeping Charlie.  Resting with a cup of coffee.  Resting. Resting.   North UM Church was super good.  It's worth a second time around.  Sec. Presbyterian did not disappoint.  And it all came sitting on the patio with coffee and the birds.  Wrens continue to stuff the gourd, Blue Bird

Something is back!

 Sunday morning.  A walk in the garden continues to bring lots of smiles.  Everything looks so happy so that's what makes me feel gifted by my plant friends.  Rain should be coming Monday and Tues and that really lifts the load of gardening.  Lettuce should be part of the salad for lunch.  Fresh from the garden will bring a great compliment of flavors.   This morning bird watching was a hoot.  Well, I hooted to the cow bird that was trying to get into the wren house.  Yesterday it was mother blue bird.  Yes, the wrens are back for the summer.  I enjoy hearing their call from different places in the garden.  I've always located the house in the same place and there is plenty of monkey bar branches for the two little friends to hop from limb to limb.  Sticks aplenty now are packed into the house but I'm sure there will be a few more.  Visits from the humming bird are a bit more frequent.  The warbler stopped by and of course woodpeckers are always near by.  It's been an i


 Yes, today is different.  It's not a morning of clockwatching with meeting the car at 8:05 with an arrival time at 8:15 ready for an 8:20 appointment with my radiation friends at IU North.  It was just an easy morning of crossword, eggs and sour cream and a cup of coffee.  The woodpecker and I met at the birdseed holder.  He must have been watching the door for the return of the suit.   Something has returned.  It's mask making.  I really needed to think through how to make them even after making over 3000 to give away last year.  But the process came back slowly..  Monday is Eric's first day back to his firm for work.  He made it through.  And of course he is delighted to get back on his bike and ride to downtown Indy on the Monon.  I wanted to send him with a new set of 5 masks one for each day and 4 are finished.  The blog is break time.  Yesterdays' work included planting seeds and transplanting a few surprise plants that just didn't have enough space to show h