Wednesday morning.

 I think this promises to be a day for sure that can be spent outdoors.  My favorite.  Yesterday I promised myself to do a bit of pitching out.  Got it done but could have done more.  But enough is now in the garbage.  This morning I cleaned out the refrigerator.  There were containers of left overs left to reheat which needed to be moved out.  Done!!!!.  The orioles have their supply of jelly.  The suet was out and now in...Black Birds!...Yes...God's creatures but they need to move on to some other stash.  Big early morning sneeze yesterday while relaxing on the wicker chair resulted in a broken chair leg.  What a hoot.  It was a big sneeze. the burn pile it will go.  Not a huge surprise that it broke.  Just a very unexpected surprise to be sitting on a sloping seat after a sneeze.  

Yesterday was our third in line grandson Adam's birthday.  We facetimes last night.  Such a neat kid interested in so many things one being soccer.  Birthday gifts.  Legos of course.  I am such a bad grandmother when remembering birthdays. I'll own it.   I know Doug's, Eric's and Jared's and my sister's.  Oh yes...mine.  Kat put all of the grandson's birthdays in my phone and I have no excuse.  So Adam got his card on time.  I also sent cards along with Adam's to Jacob and Eli.  Jacob/s is early and Eli's is late.  But Adam's is on time.   One out of three is not bad for this grandma.  I give myself a passing grade using the curve system.  

It will be soon time for radiation.  It's Wed. so I'll meet my soft tissue PT Denise.  She will see some skin issues but hopefully we can have a session together.  It's lawn mowing day.  The garden is looking right on to having a great day.  A few things need to be removed and pitched.  It's a time when I say...stop growing.  Plants never listen well.  

It's going to be a great day.  God is good.  


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