
Showing posts from April, 2021

2nd Friday.

 There will be 5 more.  That means that there will be 5 more Fridays with a visit from the radiation oncologist after the 8:20 weekly sessions.  All is well and all looks good.  That's what I expect to hear. I'm giving myself permission to play in the dirt for at least part of the day.  They say seeds can be planted May 1.  Today is April 30.  I'm telling the seed it's May 1st.  They won't know the difference!  So...Warm ground loving seeds are going in.  Sunflowers, marigolds, zinnias, celosia and maybe basil. I enjoy thinking about all the color that will attract butterflies.  My attempt at planting zinnia inside has been a complete total awesome flop.  A gardener keeps trying.  I think there is a saying about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome if that never worked in the past.  Dah.  Shame on me. Last evening there was a wonderful reunion with my Cleveland friend Nancy.  We haven't talked in years and it just seemed

Bust and Must

 Yesterday the rain was a bust but today the plants know that it's a must...And the must certainly came during the night.  I think I hear slurping noises through out the garden.  Or maybe one of my hearing aids needs a battery.  A few plants are swimming but they are pretty good at that if the swimming doesn't wear them out.   Radiation is over for the day.  It went swimmingly well.  In and Out...that's the procedure.  The girls doing the procedure are good at staying on their job.   It would seem that every 10 or so minutes there is a new patient.  There is a lot to do.  Doug was amazed that I was home so fast.  Well, I skipped the garden shop visits today.  Now he knows the secret.   Yesterday I received a card from Nancy.  I haven't heard from her in many, many years.  Nancy was on the staff at North Church with youth and children.  We did so many things together with church work.  She mentioned so many on the card.  I've been trying to reach her for years throug

A gift.

 Today is a gift to receive and to give.  I just had a wonderful phone call with friend Charlotte.  She sends me the most beautiful cards.  Yes...I'm still getting cards.  I'm am grateful for the reminders that friends are walking along side.  I know Charlotte's cards will be unusual  before I ever tear open the envelope.  We talked a lot about plants.  She visited Rosie's yesterday and we bought the same flower with is called the Cardinal flower.  Humming birds love the tall red bloom..  It was the native variety.  We're native folks.  So...much fun to think about what the garden might look like this year but yes, I know there will be surprises.  Visiting with Charlotte was a gift.   I've made a new friend who also visits IU North where the gift of healing happens.  Her appointment is just after mine.  We are early is on time folks.  So...hope to visit more tomorrow.  It's a gift to see her.  Today's appointment was a bit longer for me.  It took  longe


 Half the day is gone and I'm just at the computer.  I could blame it on Doug but I won't.  I could have written before he got up but I didn't.  So...Lots has happened and it's only 11:20.  I did an early check on the garden.  The deer have not visited and that's good.  Everyone is behaving, staying where I put them and I'm happy about that.   I've mentioned surprises.  On the way to radiation the radio is always tuned to good music.  This morning Bach Suite 3...Aire  I think that's what it's called brought me to tears.  My organist brother played that at our wedding 53 years ago.  Jim has moved to his eternal home and hearing that was a very good family memory.  What a surprise coming on my little ten minute road trip north..  That music played through my mask event.  Time felt very short on the table this morning.  I was reminded of Jessica's  It Comes With The Wedding Cake.  Fifty Three years has brought a whole bunch of COMES with our wedding


 Yes...I'm ready to go for the week.  What surprises will it bring and can I recognize them as surprises.  I hope so.  I like surprises.  They can be challenges that depending on the acceptance factor can be good or bad.  I prefer to think good.  The sun is up, the crossword puzzle is finished although I thought that would not be the case because of some unusual words. My breakfast is finished.  The suet hanger is filled once again and right now...all is right with the world unless a yard with orioles is not right.  Soon I will be on the way to my see my radiation angels.  And then to Rosie's to pick out something for the garden.  I've got some ideas.  I'm into that native group because of the deer.  They like my garden.  And they were here first or something like that so I hear.  It will be a warm day so there probably will be time this afternoon to sit in the sun.  I must remember sun screen for my leg that gave up some of it's skin to cover the flap on my head. 

Sunday morning.

 A little tired this morning but I'm planning to go to church with the singer family member Doug.  My seat will be in the balcony.  That will be the first attended service since April of last year.  I'm looking  forward to seeing my friends of many years and hearing the music they will bring to the service.  I've had breakfast and now my mind turns to neck exercises.  It's a cool beautiful morning and that should be continuing during the day adding a little heat. It could continue with a book and a chair and the sun.  Or it could be  be a fun walk in the garden and then perhaps a trip to Rosie's although tomorrow might be a better choice.  I'm thinking of Sun. afternoon traffic.   So the day begins.  It will bring gifts that need a thank you response.  God is good.  Great is Thy Faithfulness, summer and winter and springtime and harvest.  Today I'm early but short on words.  Some days are like that even in Australia, according to Alexander. 

A little later than usual. was a doing morning and while I can do I will do.  That could change perhaps sooner than I would like. But perhaps not.  Up and busy with morning stuff, breakfast, crossword puzzle and a whole list of to do PT exercises that should move fluid from my neck to where is should be.  That's a good 30 minutes of work in the morning and evening.  I'm certainly aware of fluid that needs to go where it doesn't want to go.  When all the home stuff was completed...not the blog of course...I drove to church to work with my great support team of folks getting ready for Bread and Bowl...It's the churches lunch program that provides meals 3 days a week for folks who are in need, most walking to the church.  Two other churches near by fill out the week with the same ministry. The morning drive seemed to be the perfect spring drive with trees in bloom, lawns manicured perfectly, folks out walking their dog and enjoying the fresh air just as I was.  My senses seem to be on high

What would I do?

 What would I do without music?  There is something I'm trying to remember about music soothing the savage soul.  How fortunate to have such a multitude of tunes floating through those 5 minutes of mask wearing.  If the mask is fitting as it should be the time seems much shorter.  If that one particular bone is not in the right place 5 minutes could be an eternity.  But the 3 angels patiently wait until I'm in the best position possible. They don't wait long but they do wait.  They are healing angels. With the snapping of the mask to the table, my mind goes to music.  That good old Great is Thy Faithfulness wasn't quite long enough so I added one of the 23rd Psalm tunes we have sung.  Then it was hearing the unsnapping of the mask.   Fridays include a visit with the Doctor who currently checks for skin problem after I have answered a 5000 multitude number of questions for the nurse or so it seems like 5000.  Those questions will come every Friday.  I am receiving such g

I can do this.

 Yes...yesterday those words came loud and clear as I left IU North.  The mask issues are fading.    It is something to promote healing.  That's all the space I will give it.  I learned yesterday afternoon that a whole group of book club friends who have met for years were praying for me at the exact time I was at the hospital.  I am so aware of prayer and it's unexpected blessings,  way to difficult to put into words.  So the words radiation and hope were with me as well as my most favorite hymn. Great is thy faithfulness.  The three verses rang through my mind and at the end I heard the snapping sound that comes with the release of the mask.  Much to my surprise I was not expecting that to happen so soon in the treatment.  I would say it was quality time with words of hope.   The snow is gone...The cold air is still here but surprisingly the plants seemed to have survived.  This morning's paper talked about the importance of water relating to how it can keep plants warmer

In a HUFF.

 Mother Nature is ticked off and in a huge huff.  What could have happened.  Well, could or could not be that climate change thing we hear about.  I've lived long enough to see the ground covered with a thick at least two inch coating of snow, tree flocking included and it's 10 days till May.  Good grief.  Not much we can do but look at it.  Upsidedown flower pots are everywhere.  It will be very interesting to see how well the plants have survived.  It's always something weather wise that keeps gardening an always changing, never the same experience.  Snow...such a strange way to do what rain usually does.  The grass seed might have a chance.  This morning we hear that it will be cold for another day at least.  Brrrrr.  It's sweater weather in the house again. What a way to remember that it snowed on the first day of Radiation.  I don't think I need that combination to remember that today brings the first day of treatment toward a body that with hope will remain he

Dry Run among other things.

I'm posting a little later this morning because it was the first of the coming 32 radiation sessions heading to this lady.  It was a short run though making sure that all is ready for tomorrow.  Check points checked, X-ray's done again and this time the mask that will keep my head in perfect alignment was fastened to the table It's a very, very  tight fit that allows for NO movement at all. That's a good thing.  I wondered if I could breath but of course I'm here to say...I breathed.  The table tips while the radiation scan machine circles it. Strange sensations I can experience even though I can't see anything.  The mask is tight.  The swelling at the site of the head surgery needs special mask handling which I will help with.   Tomorrow after treatment Number ONE,  I will move on to see Denise who will proceed with soft tissue physical therapy for an hour working on the swelling as well as other issues related to the surgery.  That's a Wed. only event with

The second day of the week.

 On the first day of the week....It was indeed patio day with bird watching among other things.  When the patio became shaded I moved to the sun.  What a warm healing feeling enjoying the sun.  Not to hot and not to cold and of course with my hat on even though the back of my head faced the east.  Stella stayed in the garage although I did enjoy a walk around the block with my neighbors walking their cute little dog who was such a pokey little things.  I must admit that Stella makes the walk easier although she is a bit noisy.  My neighbors to the west came over for a moment of talk as well.  Doug spent the morning at church with the choir.  It was a good morning for both of us. The Iphone continues to entertain me.  There is a coloring program that has me hooked.  The picture is there and bright beautiful colors are added. I love the colors.  The flowers and animals and butterfly pictures are first choice.  Such a simple thing but it does have me hooked.  And the Russell family all te

Beautiful morning...Beautiful day.

 Another day to do good.  It's Sunday.  Another Sunday at home for me but Doug has begun to attend church along with other choir members.  The choir is now a part of the morning live streaming service.  They sing from  the pews with spaces separating.  Rehearsals are at 12 pm for the next Sunday's service.  And my choice not to sing is because it's not certain who will or will not opt for Covid vaccinations in the choir.  Perhaps if there was no radiation in my future the decision would be different.  Building and sustaining immunity is front and center currently for me..   The radiation experience starts this week with a test it's done...on Tues with the real thing starting Wed. along with soft tissue physical therapy starting Wed. after the radiation session.  I'm an early bird so I U North Hospital will see me there no later than 8:20.  This early bird will own the rest of the day for whatever she wishes to do. It could include visits to garden shops on


 Another cool morning to start the day.  A minute after the suet was out the Downey woodpecker was having a treat.  Mr. Bluebird was busy with  meals on wings delivered  to the Mrs. The six goldfish  were busy swimming at the bottom of the pool and the bird bath, filled again with water was supporting the floating fountain.  It would seem that the day is ready for what ever will come.   Another big job finished yesterday.  The lilac bush was liberated from a very nasty ground  cover growing over the base.  That bush was planted 45 years ago from a start that was in the yard of our first house of almost 53 years ago. Yesterday Doug told me that. there is always something to do in the yard.  I'm trying to finish the yard.  I'm beginning to think Doug is right.  Dah on my part.  I have difficulty with some things.   Last Monday was supposed to be grocery day.  I haven't made it there yet and there still is food in the house.  What was I thinking?  This morning the refrigerator

Fun Friday.

For many?  Noah has been visiting with his grandparents on Fridays.  What a great time to to hear conversations that are just very interesting.  Today will be another one of those.  Years ago when visiting in the summer months, Noah was obsessed with digging in the garden.  He had his own shovel. Every week there was a hole somewhere.  The holes usually were filled in at the end of the visit much to Noah's disappointment.  So on one visit the hole was left for the next visit which continued until the hole was big enough for Noah to rest in.  Although Noah was small at that point the hole could be said to be large.  That particular flower bed was impacted in a big way but Grandma the teacher saw the importance of letting discovery happen in the dirt.  But a turning point in learning was due.  With the insertion of a 10 gal. liner, the hole was fashioned into a little pond.  Noah's pond.  The flowerbed was enlarged to surround the pond and  Noah and I...Grandma... wer

A gift.

 Living another day is like a gift received and a gift to give.  It's a gift of grace.  Songs have been coursing through my mind lately.  It happens when I'm out with Stella.  It happens when awake at night.  It happens in the garden.  The words from Great is Thy Faithfullness is the current one with all three verses of that song  with me often.  Verse two...Pardon for Sin and a Peace that Endureth.  What a gift.   Yesterday was another day with edging.  Getting close to be finished and maybe today will see that happen.  Doug...please don't hide the shovel.  Another evening meal with asparagus and potatoes with horseradish on top.  Spring horseradish is so sweet.   I could eat it straight from the jar. It appears in my scrambled egg breakfast.   This morning on my  garden walk in the 30 some degree air, with coffee in hand, I spotted radishes pushing up hard dirt.  They need a drink.  The latest indoor planting of little zinnias now has a few showing themselves on the air s

No problem but then there is Charlie.

 It's an evening post instead of a morning one.  Spectrum is our landline phone, tv and computer carrier and now we have their service up and running again...Not the case this morning.  So it's evening talk and not morning.  I mentioned Charlie in the title.  It's time to send Charlie packing with Norbert..  My time in the garden yesterday was trying to move Charlie out.  He's also known as Creeping Charlie.  That name is way to nice.  It was during another weed out time that I had decided some days ago  not to tackle Charlie for this year but yesterday I said...I'm after you,  Charlie.  That particularly large bed where Charlie was evicted looks the best it's looked in some years with many more cleaner spot than usual.    Another patch taken care of until it needs a touch again.  When the ground is warmer I'm going to direct sew zinnia seeds in that bed where I did not Preen.   My in the house zinnias are hanging in there.  They need a shot in the ? to move

So much to learn.

 So much to learn and I never knew I would need to know.  My session with my new friend...the second Denise in my life will result in learning much more than I thought I needed to know.  Denise is my PT therapist who will work on soft tissues that need correcting.  As the session ended I told her...YOU are a great teacher. She shared so much background information that makes so much sense that will help in understanding how soft tissue impacted by surgery and radiation are harmed and healed through techniques Denise will use.  Her healing hands will be most important.  Pray for her and her hands.  And to be sure, I have homework.  I think the bases are covered.  Sessions are once a week right after radiation on Wednesdays.  I loved the morning of information gathering.  I'm sure there will be more of the same as the weeks go by.   And of course there was fun in the garden.  The rain has passed and by afternoon the outdoor temperature said come out and play!  Another bed was cleaned

Making It Right.

 Every Monday feels like a new beginning.  A week to make it right.  Sounds like a mercy event.'s a new beginning, another chance.  The area around our patio and stretching across the entire back of the house is a flower garden of perennials.  The rain is putting the cherry on top.  So beautiful and full of another new beginning.  My kitchen window is the place to be with birds abounding.  How thoughtful of our creator to cover the ground with beautiful plants and then filling the space above that with birds and butterflies and other pollinators.  It's a beautiful world.   So there were walks through the rain drops to see what was happening.  Stella elected to stay in the garage.  But I did make a car trip out purchasing some things needed for radiation.  Baby shampoo, Dove soap for bathing and green tea.  Interesting combination of needs.  Dove soap has no METAL in it.  Did I know that?  Why is no metal soap important.  Metal will send the radiation rays in crazy plac

Sunday, Sunday.

 And today promises to be a rainy day.  I guess you could call that a day of rest from gardening although the rain makes the garden seeds work.  No rest there.   I'm sure there will be walks between rain storms to check on what's happening out there.  Got to keep on it. It will be church at 11.  Yesterday was a bit of a blur day because not to much happened after the late Sat. post.  Stella and I did have a walk around the block meeting a dog walker with two of the cutest cockerspanials.  It was a walk between big storms with lots of rain that we badly needed.  A bit of TV watching and another fairly good night of sleep.  Got to love that.   The earth is the Lords and the fulness there in.  That Old KING JAMES version is what I'm hearing and writing.  Those were the days of one version.  I'll add a  long time ago reaching way back beyond where Kansas is or something like that.  Remember Dorothy?  .  

A Huge Surprise.

 Perhaps not to the blog readers but it was to me.  A little awake and then sleep, a little awake and then sleep starting around 5 and lasting till 7.  What a gift.  Then shower, breakfast, crossword and off to Bread and Bowl, our church mission to the community. This entry is an afternoon entry.   It was such a liberating feeling to be driving south toward church, knowing that today I would be  serving others.  I must say that the past few months saw a host of folks supporting my needs.  Today it was my turn to do the support part.  Visitors came to get a carry out a meal or two  and Johnson and Johnson shots were available for those who needed and wanted protection from the Covid virus.  A few said no but some said yes to the invitation.  . Shots on more Saturdays will be available in the coming weeks.   Yesterday again was a fun day in the garden.  More weeds were banished.  The garden was checked to look for more emerging surprises.  I found that the four Swamp Milkweed plants are

A Singing Day with the Psalms.

How interesting to take a walk through the Psalms.  I would say 108 has some strong medicine for Norbert.  Verse 17 should send him packing.  I grew up in a church and time when memorizing was something you just did young and old alike.  Those Sunday morning and  evening services, Thurs prayer meetings, and VBS kept us busy.  So  the 23rd and 100th still talk to me. For the  91st...Here's a story.  As some of you know, I've made many stoles for ministers.  When Brian Williams was on staff, I asked him what his favorite Psalm was.  His was the 91st, s a very good  but very L O N G Psalm.  So the challenge was to stitch all of those words on to fabric.  It took a while and a God given gift came when I realized that stitching led to completing the Psalm before running out of fabric space.  More Psalm stories...One year the church choir sang many versions of the 23rd song in a concert. Just the 23rd.   The 150 Psalm has been sung many times  by the choir.   And now I need to includ

A Grateful Change.

 Last December when we knew that getting back to good health would be an issue in the coming months, organization needed to be a priority.  So this is what we did.  Each year we receive a calendar from the Monastery of the Holy Spirit located at Conyers, Georgia.  Doug's brother is living as a monk and as a Catholic priest there.  I selected that calendar to help with keeping appointment times clear. .  I chose red and green markers to indicate days for doctor's visits.  Red for me.  Green for Doug.  The colors now are few and far between.  I would say that's a positive development..  The major  storm seems to have passed and it really feels like we're heading toward calmer water where dancing is a bit easier.  There seems to be a flicker of light signaling the end to this current health experience is nearing. God is here.  Spring temperatures are here for a few more days although today rain seems to be a part of  that spring.  It's April Showers month  The grass se

Blame it on Garden Time.

 Yes a little later in posting but...OH WHAT BEAUTIFUL MORNING. was garden time and it's only 9 am.  I'm finished for the day but I dug horseradish, scraped more Charlie weeds out (reminds me of Norbert)  and grass seeded lots of places in the yard because it's should rain for the next few days and there are lots of bare places.  The red beets are up, asparagus is peeking out and the lettuce needs to GROW!  Don't be so lazy. Gardeners always are heard talking to their plants, giving encouragement but also giving strong suggestions when needed. The zinnia seeds buried in their little peat pots on Good Friday last week are showing their heads.  12 out of the 20 pots show tiny little zinnia plants for now.  It's up from the grave, they arose or something like that.    Each of the pots have three seeds so I'm hoping...gardener talk...that I will have 60 zinnias to plant.  And I have more seed for back up..   My neighbor has this saying on her garden wall. 

Today's LOAD has been rolled away.

 So many many things to think about, some being how fortunate I am to live in a good medical environment and having folks that are ready to hear every question no matter what they are.   They just listen and answer.  Yesterday I talked a lot which includes my choir medical friend Sarah at the cancer center, and to the next new doctor,  Dr. Langer and his staff .   And once again support came from the medical folks with good but strange answers.  This just is a very strange cancer like very few others, was the doctors answer.  I'm calling the cancer Norbert. Easier to remember.  So now currently Stella and Norbert are part of who I am.  Norbert is not my friend...Stella, my walker, continues to be a great helping friend on my walks around the block.  She carries my load of Iphone, coat, tissues and more. As cars drive by, people wave.  I think they like Stella as much as I do.   I now know the next medical plan. I love it when a plan comes together...remember the A Tea

It's the Fourth Day.

 The Third Day Easter.  It was a day of relaxing.   Amy and Shorty sent a card with the following words.  Allow yourself to slow life's pace, easing mind, body and soul for healing.  Take the time to reflect on all good memories and meaningful moments.  Take Care of yourself and be well.  Written  by Samantha Chase Meyers.  Good words for me as well as anyone who reads them.  I struggle with this many times I think for many reasons.  Those reasons would be better off high on a shelf where I can't reach them.  No step ladder available.  That would make a huge difference.  Yesterday, Patio sitting was a great event.  Picture taking from the patio was a great event.  Watching birds fly across the yard was a big event.  Trying to find bird nests was another happening.  Church at North and Sec. Presbyterian filled the day.  At 6 we found our way to Eric's house for another traditional Easter Sunday ham dinner and Noah birthday cake event.  Grandparents and the  Eric Russell fami

The Third Day.

 Yes...It's Easter Sunday.  The stone has been rolled away  and today Jesus is alive in us.  Thanks be to God.   Yesterday morning the sanctuary work preparing for Easter was completed in short order with my sanctuary worker bees Rosie, Laurel Kathy, Heidi and James.  .  We gathered around 10 and were finished by 12.  A very, very special thank you to Lydia, Sue and Ray for their donation of funds to purchase flowers. I am waiting anxiously to see the results on our live stream worship service at 11 as it comes through our screens..  Lots of talk with lots of supportive words flowed easily during the morning's work.   Then on to 200 Delaware St. to pick up the box that would once again make my TV work.  What an easy fix after two weeks of waiting.  Not getting the correct first message from a Spectrum lady lead to the saga of waiting.   I spent some time, well exactly 27 minutes in the garden scraping out weeds.  I set my Iphone timer!  I think Preen will be my friend this summ

A Birthday Day

 My once again our Friday visitor celebrated his 12th birthday spending part of the day with his grandparents.  Yes.  Noah is 12 years old.  It was time well spent in the garden spraying orange paint on a few more things continuing our Oriole endeavor.  It sounds a bit gross but there will be more flower colors added later.  We did plant red and orange zinnia seeds in peat pots hoping for some early flower plants.   Could I be going overboard.  Naah!  Laying stones to edge a garden,  giving Noah the clippers for clipping and driving through the carry out at Steak and Shake for lunch added to the fun. A phone visit to my friend Jane was time well spent.  What a great listening, encouraging  friend she is.  We must do it more often.  A few sanctuary decorating questions from  one of my worker bees who will be meeting at church this morning to prepare that space for Easter morning and Eastertide services happened. This is  one of my favorite busy times of the church year.  Another being P

A bit odd or maybe strange.

 It's a bit odd or strange to be at home with an Iphone watching Holy Thursday services.  But that did allow me to be with the service at the National Cathedral.  Wonderful place.  Wonderful service.  Today I hope to do the same.  but a bit odd and a bit strange.  For years my brother Jim would drive from Richmond Va. to the Cathedral for the  Christmas Morning service and sit in a front row seat.   It's a special place.  After gifts were opened we would attend the service via TV.   And yesterday was one of those past special day repeated once again.  It was a morning of flower shopping, some at Meijers and than at Sullivan's and then delivering Easter morning altar flowers to the church.  Sat morning will be another special morning of Eastersanctuary preparation.  The sanctuary is such a beautiful place with sun streaming in from the east flooding the pulpit area on many of those work mornings.  I'm wishing for that Sat.  It could be called a gift from God. While at Su

Guess What...

The answer is...I'm still paying for that fun Tuesday, two days ago.  What a bummer.  But it was fun.  All of the surgeries have occurred on my right side.  That side is weak.  Difficulty lifting things up into the kitchen cabinets is a noticeable change that should improve.  But that right arm and shoulder  is compromised. right shoulder has thrown a fit.  A huge fit. It worked way to hard Tuesday.   I'm listening big time to that shoulder and will help it get to a better place, bar none.  Lesson learned once again.  How many times do I need to relearn.  The answer is elusive.  It's my mother's fault!!!!!!  Really?  NO mine.  I'll own it.   The fun yesterday came with bird watching.  My big time 2021 goal is to attract Orioles. So with a little reading and help from Jared I hope to be on the way.  Jared gave me a 12 inch by 12 inch board that I attached nails to for oranges and a bottle cap for grape jelly.  And then I hung it on a tree by it's cords a