2nd Friday.

 There will be 5 more.  That means that there will be 5 more Fridays with a visit from the radiation oncologist after the 8:20 weekly sessions.  All is well and all looks good.  That's what I expect to hear.  So...now I'm giving myself permission to play in the dirt for at least part of the day.  They say seeds can be planted May 1.  Today is April 30.  I'm telling the seed it's May 1st.  They won't know the difference!  So...Warm ground loving seeds are going in.  Sunflowers, marigolds, zinnias, celosia and maybe basil. I enjoy thinking about all the color that will attract butterflies.  My attempt at planting zinnia inside has been a complete total awesome flop.  A gardener keeps trying.  I think there is a saying about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome if that never worked in the past.  Dah.  Shame on me.

Last evening there was a wonderful reunion with my Cleveland friend Nancy.  We haven't talked in years and it just seemed like yesterday that the last conversation had happened.  We just started up where we left off.  Woo...lots and lots of words flew across our I phones with pictures sent as well.  I'm sure there are more words to come.  I must not loose her again.

So today...fun in the dirt in a measured way but always thinking now about fatigue that comes if I don't mind the body.  It's so difficult to stop if the job isn't finished. Doug reminds me that the garden is never finished.  Now where did he absorb that information that  never stuck with me  We had a visit from the deer at some point in the night.  Their tracks tell the story and lucky for me...I sprayed deer off last evening  It's seemed to have worked well.  I was thinking!!!For ONCE!  Leaf Lettuce is just about ready for the salad.  Big servings of asparagus last night with more in the refrigerator.  Three little Rosemary's will join the herb garden.  Awe Rosemary...Noah's favorite saying as he rubs his hands over the plant enjoying her scent. He will help me plant Rosemary today.  

It's gifts from the garden time. There are many.   How fortunate to be able to do and enjoy.  God is good.  


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