
 Another great celebration with family with a few little twists as sometimes families can produce.  But celebrate we did with lots of food and lots of card games and just lots of everything that makes memories.  We're tired and glad to say the celebration as good as it was, is over for another year.  And we're looking forward to seeing what a year from now brings. 

Today was a day of picking up the pieces to move into busy December. A bit of Christmas decorating happened at home. 

                              The stockings were hung.  At least two you see and three you don't.

Heidi carried on with the last-minute things that happen at a busy church when scheduling seems to flop over each other during our absence.  We've scheduled another work morning for tomorrow just to make sure that everything is covered for the rest of the month.  There will be some pictures Advent and Christmas always bring some extra work because the season being a bit longer than the next big major event of Holy Week and Easter.  Lent takes a bit of thinking but it's a pretty quiet time of reflection.  

This year, instead of cute little wooden ornaments gifted to me by many students, the windows are filled with gourd animals of many kinds crafted many years ago.  Something different that keeps me going. If there were snow that would add to this festive window photo.  One of these days!  

The peanuts and suet are a bit on the lean side so a trip to Wild Birds is in the not-too-distant future. We just ran out of time today and the next two days don't look much better.    There were a host of robins at the water this morning along with what I saw as a lone blue bird.  And then there were plenty of the usuals.  It took 4 pots of hot water to deice the bird bath.  The birds flew in all morning long. Water is their door to happiness. 

This afternoon the fourth round of Fulvestrant shots happened. They are not quick shots but injected slowly, very slowly. The serum is thick. I would say the pain is about a 2 or 3 with at least a 30 second injection event. I call that easy.  Zisqali sucks out calcium, so levels are checked every three months before the next round of medicine.  Today the calcium report was excellent.  I'm ahead of the game. Yahoo! . Wednesday there will be a Pet Scan to check on what the cancer is up to.  There will be a what's happening report with Dr. Schneider on the 16th. A new supply of Zisqali will be delivered on Wednesday.  Sometimes it feels like the trip is way too fast and then at times too slow.  But I'm hanging on for the ride no matter what. 

I've borrowed more cancer books from the library and reading carefully, understanding what I can. New treatment are at the forefront in many cancers, breast cancer being one of those. A good friend Virginia B. who is in her 90th year has lived with metastatic cancer for more than 13 years.  She's, my inspiration. 

                                                I would say...itty bitty with an owl at the top.  

Speaking of owls.  Last week a Barred Owl visited the patio and I was lucky enough to see it, sitting in the tree making just a bit of noise.  What a beautiful bird. 

So, now it's time to move on to Christmas.  Gift ideas are flying for the kids.  That's good but nothing has been purchased yet.  That's not so good.  But ideas are in place.  That's more than half the battle with this crew. 

            Just like the Ayer's cherub appears every year, the snow folks find their place on the stairs. 

Tonight...Football in America or something like that.  A good quiet evening wrapped in my electric throw with a book close by if the game is boring.  With great thanks for Thanksgiving, I happy to be able to move on.  The left over Turkey is back in the freezer.  No wasting that good meat for me.  Soups are coming again.  Kimmy gave a thumbs up for her first taste of corn chowder.  Good for her. Left over gets better with age and it's also in the freezer. So the best to all who are traveling the blog journey with me.  So far, this has been a good year. 



  1. Glad you are back and had a wonderful time with family. I missed you! SJ


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