
Showing posts from June, 2021


 The night ended a bit short on time with thunder and another sky sprinkling or a bit more than sprinkle could be the word.  So less watering again for the day.  So far the summer garden is taking care of itself when it comes to water.  So with my trusty umbrella, the pictures this morning are taken in the rain.  Breakfast finished, a crossword puzzle is finished again, a little TV visit with friends and it's blog time.   This first flower picture is the Queen of the Prairie.  Isn't she beautiful and I can only imagine what the grasslands of our country looked like with a lot of Queen in bloom.  As you can see the daylilies are starting to strut their stuff.  There a few more varieties to come.   Yesterday's PT  soft tissue session went well.  We're working on lessening scar tissue and getting that fluid to drain.  I've learned more techniques to help with that and my next session with Denise is in two weeks.  So progress is happening.  It's not over till it'

Back home again in Indiana.

 What a ? weekend.  Words are hard to find,  Busy busy time.  Coffee on the patio and now it continues here in Carmel.  This morning a pileated woodpecker and hummingbird are the count with the wren's both female and male making music.  Put that on the "got it right" list of good things.  The checklist of the garden last night said all was well.  No need for watering and a few snapdragons got a little help in staying upright.  They have problems sometimes.  The Dot Com Daliah is showing color.  Woo, woo.  This morning is another session with Denise, the soft tissue girl and then it's a trip to church to make some sanctuary changes for the rest of the summer.  It will be simple with a few banners.  Time to veg out in the sanctuary.   This garden picture has white swamp milkweed, then pink-flowered common milkweed, and then lots of dill plants ready for Monarch and Swallowtail butterfly babies.  I look every morning but I probably won't find them till August.  They


 It's time to go back to Indy.  It's about a 6:30 hr drive.  Not too bad but bad enough.  It makes seeing the Mi. family less than I would like but it is what it is some would say  The flower garden received its third tilling last night and will probably get another one today.  There is a very long list of plants that could work in the space and will be very interesting as things appear and grow.  Another fun hobby on the Hobby Farm.  It's coffee on the patio time.  And then we're off to Indy at some point in the morning.  Jacob has been a good help with installing a spell check for the blog.  I've learned what some of the little signs mean on the computer and of course, learning how to post pictures has just been awesome.  So here are two more and I plan to add more when the rest of the family is out of bed.  


 Sunday morning and we went to two different Russell church services.  Here in Midland and then again in Indy all online.  And then there was a huge project waiting for us.  Yesterday we talked about flower beds and Kimmy's parents came to see us and we walked Kimmy's flower garden.  Well, the talk continued and today the talk cause the start of two more flower gardens located in what was the old garden spot.  Woo...yesterday the shape took form on paper.  Today the hose outlined the form, then the garden tractor came, then lots of raking out grass and clover and then edging, and compost with the big green tractor, and then the little garden tractor along with a lot of physical work did the final prep for another flower garden in front of the house. .  Another great two plots to plant.  Maybe this year, maybe next. But probably never finished as most gardens never are.   There always seems to be a project.  Gardens are always evolving.   It's Pizza for lunch, popcorn, ice

Sat in Michigan

 A little report from Michigan.  There has been lots of much-needed rain in the past days and it would seem to be continuing for a few more days. This morning I took a picture during a rain break as to what one would see just outside the Russell door looking south.  Free-range chickens were free-ranging.  At least 3 of around 16 were clucking in the backyard.  Then there is a flower garden with a birdbath and bird feeder.  Behind that is a field full of sheep.  Black and white, mothers with children doing an early morning breakfast with foggy sky in the background.  Games of 3/14 are happening along with the always Sat. trip to Tim Horton's for coffee and pastries.  When the rain stops I'll post more pictures.   These three sheep have been selected for 4 H competition at the county fair.  The white one is Eli's and the black two sheep are Adam's and Jacob's.  All three are munching away at hay. They need to weigh around 100 lb. to qualify for competition in August. 

More Learning.

Kimmy said I should post this picture and I think it's really a funny face picture.  I was attempting to ring the bell with a pull down and it didn't ring.  Was I confused...You bet and my face tells you the same.  What an experience.  Radiation was over and the bell didn't work!!!!!!  Funny, funny.  So now you know.  In a video the bell works but the side to side action made it all happen.    

Always learning.

 Something new.  JB and Kimmy say...always learning.  So it's picture time.  It's the bluebird box...What to do with an old chair and the little pond that Noah dug in his many long days of digging in the garden.  Now it's a little pond with 5 goldfish.  So just a few garden pictures and if I can manage to remember again how to post pictures you might even see more.  The plan is that tomorrow it will be Kimmy and Jared's garden.  Lots and lots of rain today and the plants are beautiful.  So a second post for today.  We have made it to Michigan in grand style busy with a lot of things.  

What did I do?

 No appointments, no what did I do.  Sleep and than sleep again.  Every once in a while, not often, I seem to have some allergy to something.  So the morning was full of sneezing and blowing and then doing it over and over so I took a pill.  That might have contributed to the sleep thing.  Funny how the unexpected can smack one in the face.  That was it.   Last night also was one of those nights that reminded me of the no sleep nights in Feb and March until I was able to use the Cpap machine.  The night ended at 1:30.  What was I thinking.  So I spent the time thinking about so many folks who helped with healing.  There were a ton or should I say a lot of folks to think about.  I remember so well the cleaning lady who was so quiet with her work not saying a word but just getting her job completed.  She was a blessing. And of course there were more like the guys who brought lunch and the medical people who brought huge machines in to find veins and do x-rays.  One of t


 On the daily garden list of plant needs was watering  two of three Rosemary plants.  They moved from one place to their second home a few days ago because of crowding.  Humm..could that mean to many things in the garden.  Might be but in my mind never.  Then there is  Basil.  Early spring saw seeds being planted.  So as the basil grew it was transplanted to other places.  This morning was the last of transplanting and after the count there seems to be 37 basil plants growing to become pesto.  Yum, yum.  With the return of taste that will be a delight to be had.  So...readers...if you need basil I just could have more than enough to share.  The garden is well and happy full of bird songs, the new light of day and surrounded with good cool, clean air.   Today's calendar is EMPTY.  Woo. woo.  No appointments, no commitments, just a lot of  nothing.  That is really exciting.'s all mine to do with as I so please unless Doug needs something...He usually doesn't. .  Tomo

Humm...Elephant's eye.

 Pretty high but I didn't plant corn.  So Brother-in-law...we'll see.  The garden visit determined that all the little zinnias are very happy and ready to start their trip up.  So looking forward to what happens for sure in the next month or so.  This morning I had the pleasure of seeing Mr. Blue Bird race across the front lawn.  He's been hanging with us for some time.  And  ? Hawk was sitting in the neighbor's tree waiting for the family of sparrows that passed by.  I can't say how much success was had.  Last year two baby hawks hatched in nearby trees and my goodness, it was a noisy week of screaming when flying lessons were given.  Our tall trees bring lots of interesting happenings.   This morning is another PT visit with Denise.  Then I think there will be a short Goodwill visit.  Wed. are Sr. Days.  Shop till you drop but I'll save energy with a short visit.  Then a Meijers stop for bananas and icecream and Boost.   Yesterday I weeded through the front be

Oh, what a beautiful morning.

 Cool and crisp needing a jacket to walk the garden with my coffee cup. That's what this Tuesday brings.  Such a wonderful gift.  All is well, all is well.  This morning I will transplant the last of the zinnias...It's a zinnia year for sure.  It's not July yet and I should see great results.  The Dalia sisters will be showing their color soon.  Woo, woo.  Great expectations.  The tiny baby zinnias I purchased brighten their spot.   Enough of the garden and this morning I thought I would give a health report.  It's where I am in recovery.  There are still miles to go but the  healing journey still to come will never compare with miles traveled already. It's been a journey of discovery. First...I have discovered a new body.  The old body is gone and I have no regrets. It was a wonderful experience.   Surgeons hands have taken away what needed to be removed and replaced what needed to be replaced.  I continue daily to feel grateful for their dedication to healing. It&

Looked, moved, trimmed, fed, tied

 That's what is happening in the garden.  It's nearing the end of June with  evaluation time.  What is working and what might be working with a little additional help.  So...two of the three Rosemary's are now less crowded and stand a better chance filling in the space where the onions were.  The Blackeyed Susan/s have received a trimming.  Not all but most. It will delay blooming for some and make more blooms for others.  On to the swamp milkweed.  One of 5 received an extra feeding.  It's looking a bit puny with yellow leaves.  The other 4 are just fine.  And the Hollyhock has been tied up. It's a little top heavy.  And now for the look part.  Vinca in the shade have been moved to Vinca in the sun joining the rest of the sun lover Vinca's.  And the little self seeders continue to show their faces.  That's a fun thing to find.  It's one of those oops, there you are moments, knowing they will find a good spot to show how beautiful they can be.  The Dalia

A quiet morning.

 I love early morning when the air is crisp and the quiet is almost overwhelming.  The mind is at rest.   Later it fills up but early's the best time of day.  So today will be a return attempt to choir participation.  Yes...we'll see how that goes.  Paper is read, coffee and eggs still toped  with cottage cheese for moisture are settling down and the forever present garden walk is completed with a tie up of one of the snapdragons.  It got a push down with rain and with a little help, gravity will help pull it strait again.  The ground is still to wet for working and there is a promise of more rain today.  It's a gardeners life.  One never in complete control just reacting to what is the need of the day.  Deer tracks appeared this morning but all is present and in tact.   It's Father's day with much thankfulness to the father of Doug, Rick and Dee named Clarence and known also  as C W Russell and to the father of our sons, Doug.  Another thanksgiving for

Water Washed.

 Somewhere in a song...I  remember are those two words together.  I wasn't thinking song this morning I was thinking rain last night.  All of last night or so it seemed.  It started early evening with a huge golf ball size hail storm. was a loud pounding like shingling of a roof.  And that just might happen again.  Our last roof was the results of a hail storm.  I'm sure the roofing people will be by.  New roofs can take a beating.  Old roofs not so much.  Humm...That might relate to people as well.  Or not.  The thundering and lightening continued through the night and this morning...Water washed is the word in the garden.  The place is water logged.   I've made a morning trip to Aldies and now really are ready for camping.  All the food is purchased and we'll add smoked fish among other things to the menu while camping.  I am so ready for that trip.   Next weekend starting early Fri we're on our way to the JB Rockin'-R-Farm to see lambs, kittens, chi

Just a bit.

 Since the last post was so late in the day because of a brain gaff...not to much has happened since.  So today...another Friday.  There have been a bunch of those over the years.  Many of those years numbered and  remembered by brother-in-law.  Notice...there is no name since I have two of those in-law people.  The garden looks a bit dry but this afternoon there are projected storms.  I'll hold the watering can until I see what the sky sprinkler brings.  Doug is out to I U North today with his annual hearing examination.  And that's about it for appointments..  It was something every day this week.  Sometimes I think the car could go to I U North all by itself.  So good to know it's just a 10 minute drive.  Next week will be days of home!!!  

Maybe 2?

 Maybe two entries in one day will fix this late entry.  I just forgot.  Did the watering that wasn't completed last night.  Talked on the phone with friend Patty...Off to the hearing office again.  My hearing aid was doing crazy things. that taken care of...then home again.  Just a top  notch day to sit on the patio.  Low humidity.  Really low.  A Boost for lunch and then sitting once again.  Took a trip to Kroger to check out something I think I can eat for camping.  Most regular food tastes rotten although I don't think I've eaten much rotten food come to think of it.  But found a little snack  thing that is sort of like jello.  I'm really becoming the Jello queen.  It's an everyday event. Supper with salad for Doug  another Boost with Mocha ice cream  for me and a game of 3:13.  This score sheet has 5 wins for Doug and 2 for me. I won tonight.  No sore looser here.    Tonight I'll take a walk through the garden, watch a bit of TV, probably take a f

It's all about Doug.

Date of surgery.  Aug 17th.   One or two days of hospitalization.  Six weeks of recovery being extremely careful with no lifting, coughing and sneezing and other things like that.   Surgery at I U North.  One might think it's our second home for the spring/summer of 2021.  So the days after vacation and before Georgia will be full of another surgery with recuperation.  Thanksgiving for doctors and bodies that are able to withstand a bit of surgery stress.  Moving right along.  

On board.

 It would seem that the 24 hour days are turning into something much less than that.  Time is flying.  So...get on board I guess is the word.  Another cool I like and today should be another good growing day for my little one inch high now transplanted zinnias to their new growing home.  I had a great visit with my Dalia girls.  All four are growing...some fast and some slow and one is showing her face, now green but soon to be something else.  Miss Dot Com will be first out of the gate.   Another chipmunk was moved to the woods...I think we are close to a doz. chipmunk transfers.  No more squirrels.  They are much to big for the trap now and have seemed to move on to other lawns.  There are lots of tall trees to choose to climb in our neighborhood.   This afternoon we will return again to I U Methodist Hospital.  This time it's a visit to Doug's surgeon.  It's impossible to know what the out come will be so stay tuned.  I may post something later in the day. 

Lots of voices in the garden.

 Yesterday I suspected that a nest of birds had fledged.  Lots of singing during a usually quiet afternoon of bird song.  This morning after a trip out I heard even more and for sure the wrens have fledged.  I was hoping to see the first attempt at flying for my little friends.  I've seen them get a wing out of the door hole which is a death movement in trying to return home.  It just doesn't work that way.  Some times they have taken a dive to the ground and sometimes they just fly to a tree as if they had been flying all their lives.  But this year...I missed the first adventure out for them.  Now it's choir practice in the garden.  Yes another trip see Denise, my soft tissue P T who works on my neck pushing fluids to where they need to go.  Lots of talk, lots of laughing and lots of just quiet time as she works those magical fingers.   Then a stop at Meijers to buy a few more groceries for the Upper Michigan camping trip the last two weeks of July.  So...the rep

One guess!!

 It's 9 am...and one guess...where have I been.  Right!!! Garden.  I knew you readers would get it right.   I saw the crane, I heard the wren.  I watched the geese fly over head honking away.  Someone else in this family missed it all, sleeping away the morning.  I'd rather be alone in the garden so I was truly blessed with the sleeping little giant once again.  This morning included this old gardeners goof of planting celosia seeds...and what appeared were not celosia plants.  I read on line yesterday that celosia seeds are almost impossible to germinate for gardeners. So that job for next year is off the list.  This morning I named the "celosia's" weeds and dug everyone out.  Yes...all plants have a name not weed but I could care less about that fact.  Native...probably but I could care less.  I don't want it so it's a weed!!! Dah. I need big flowers for my Monarchs. almost all the beds have been fluffed up a bit ready for the day.  The earlies

What a blessing.

 What a blessing to wake up to a quiet morning, with no threat of harm as many have daily where they live.  It's one of those count your blessings mornings, name them one by one.  See what God has done for me.  Because of blessings I must work for others.  So it's bird morning.   So the morning work so far has been to help the birds along.  New fresh sweet water for the humming bird.  There was a very brief stop by for our  local bird, so perhaps the water needed to be refreshed.  Another handful of black sunflower seed for the basket was added and the finch food currently in the feeders must be not so good so I dumped that and put in fresh seed.  Not to be forgotten is a new cake of suet now in place for the woodpeckers.    Later today I'll clean up the birdbath.  It's a favorite for the robin.  Splash, splash.   Yesterday was spent drinking lots of fluids and I must admit by evening I was feeling like my old self.  When that comes along gratitude abounds.  I guess one

Another gift of a beautiful morning.

 There is nothing  much better than sitting on the patio with a cup of coffee, watching the birds and feeling the coolness of the morning  with the sun coming through filtering trees.  The only other thing happening is eating breakfast which is not going so well.  But I managed an egg and a half with cottage cheese and half of a banana.  Woo..big breakfast.  I smelled the banana to trick my taste bud brain connection.  Strange how that works.  But at least there is something in my stomach at this point.   Today is Bread and Bowl Saturday at church.  We'll be putting together 50 lunches for neighborhood fooks to take home with them.  Always a great time to work with  other church friends and visiting with church neighbors as they stop by.  I look forward to those times.   Yesterdays shopping trip to the grocery included a lot of food purchased for camping time.  Got to get ready and still to buy...pancake mix and syrup.  How could I forget that.  The JB family always spends breakfas

I would say.

 I would say it's a beautiful morning.  Another night of some very gentle rain and now a bit of  fog adding up to a quiet early morning on the patio with coffee, cool breezes and the birds.  That makes a beautiful early morning. Are we in Oregon?   Yesterday I added two JASPER CHERRY TOMATO PLANTS  to the garden.  Yes all in capital letters.  Jaspers are at the top of my list of cherry tomatoes.  They are climbers and I've had to use a ladder some years to harvest them from the arbor.  Neighbor Judy plants the seeds in her greenhouse and babies them into life and then shares.  She has grown them for sometime.  I am blessed.  I have stood in the garden eating my fill many times and that will happen again at some point.  They are great producers of the most delicious tomatoes I have ever tasted.    So their cage in my garden is tall and it will be filled with great tasters.   Today is dentist day.  I'm off to see my new dentist.  It's that retirement thing that has made t

A Reality Check.

 While thinking about the day before I was out of bed, I thought reality...why not.  So...dear are receiving a reality check report today.   1.  The reality is that after a very long, unusual, neverbefore  had experience the cancer is gone.  That is the current reality and a good one that should be forever.   2.  The reality is that after a very long surgery procedure with many doctors present for each of the three stages,  the surgical removal of the cancerous tumor, along with lymph nodes was eliminated.  Radiation was added to the cure.  3.  Even though radiation sessions were completed on June 4, radiation continues to happen for two weeks in my body after that date.  So...bad and good cells are still being killed, the good ones will return which could take from 2 weeks to two months I've been told.  The bad ones...GONE! 4. With radiation of my head added to the cure, some other happenings have come my way.  Since radiation kills the bad and the good, food has beco

A sleepy morning.

It one of those cloudy cool slow mornings waiting for a bit of energy to come along.  I know the possibilities.   A wonderful obviously  gentle rain during the night has,  freshened up the world.  No watering for me today.  That's a very good thing.  Automatic sky sprinklers have done their job.   Todays work includes another session with Denise for soft tissue work.  Another trip for healing.  A chin strap brace has been ordered and set for arrival sometime next week.  We're working hard to loosen restricted feeling and movement of my head in my neck area.   Yesterdays work session at church was a good session.  This is Pride month and 6 pride banners were placed in the sanctuary.  Pride only because of their six different colors but words placed on the banners relate to everyone such as Joy and Celebration.  We also returned to the west entrance large boards with Farmer's Market pictures as well as the Blessing of the Animal's pictures.  We need people in the church a

One day, two posts, three?????...

 Yesterday there were two posts. So many reasons to celebrate.  My mind just doesn't stop thinking about the long list of people who have walked the walk with me.   My hope in the coming days and years is that I will never forget those who prayed for my recovery, those who worked so hard in medical school to learn the techniques that let to a longer health life along with those who provided all the supporting roles now that continue to be around us who are working toward a better health life no matter the name of the struggle and a God who walks along side.   So today of course the garden has been walked.  The flowers are enjoying the cooler morning with just a mist of rain now and then.  I'm blessed to have a place to spend healing time  that I enjoy so much.     The week is full.  This morning a trip to church to do some decorating with a new theme.  Friends will be there to help.   Now for Doug...This guy has been patiently waiting for good news about his wife.  And yesterda

And the answer is...drum roll.

 Finished for now and maybe forever!  My heart if full but sometimes breathing is difficult when I think.  So what did I do on the way back home...Stopped at Ace and got another flat of flowers. Doug's mother would say...That's used in cooking.  Sometimes my radiated ear feels like it's cooking getting hot and then cooling.  So what ever the words are...finished, done, completed, over, pick one or more...I'm using all of them.  Yes.  the doctors are satisfied and currently think that the starting place for the cancer was behind the ear.  Why, or How?  Not to be determined.  A visit in three months with another Pet Scan is scheduled for that Sept. morning.    Thanks be go God for healing, for doctors for supportive friends and for family.  I truly am blessed.  

Monday after.

 The beginning of a week not starting with an 8:20 visit with my guardian angels.  Their work goes on and on with people to fill my slot along with other slots at the Swartz Cancer Center.   I will remember the parade that never ends.  My church friend Angie will have her first appointment there Tuesday.  Susan continues her long journey to health.   It was so rewarding to see church friends again yesterday .  Visiting was the subject of the morning.   The afternoon was a quiet one with lots of sitting on the patio along with some watering of my dear friends. I  took another drive with another chipmunk friend making a delivery to the park.  While I had one in the trap, another climbed the tree.  This is also a parade that never seems to end. .  This week should see rain every day.  What a gift.    Today's biggie is seeing my surgeon  at Swartz Cancer Center.  So although it's not an 8:20 visit it will be an  11:45 visit.  So back with friends once again with the goal of discove

Already or All Ready.

 An extra l makes a difference.  Already, breakfast over, pills taken, garden walked, zinnia seeds planted and a great visit with the neighbor who delivered two wonderful Jasper cherry tomato plants.  Jaspers by far are the best in the world.  They make me want to stand by the plant and just eat away.  Well, perhaps when the taste buds are working again.  We learned about Jasper's a few years ago when planted in the garden at the state fair.  They are climbers and I've used a ladder to pick the highest tomatoes.  We can only find the seed and Judy faithfully plants seed early in the year taking great care of them until it's time for garden planting.   This morning I'm dressed and all ready for church.  The 11:00 service is now open to all with masks.  Doug will sing and I will be in the pew a part of the other congregation.  I need people now.  It would seem to be that I can think of one thing at a time.  Radiation is on the shelf.  My hope is to have people joining me

In my heart.

 In my heart there rings a melody.  Yes...many songs of thanksgiving.  Another mile marker in my journey called life here on earth.  Yesterday afternoon continued with a great visit with Kathy.  She traveled this radiation road a few years ago.  After my first visit in the radiation world with Kathy we closed the radiation experience with a Dairy Queen drive through visit and then a wonderful time together in the shade of some very old trees in the Carmel Cemetery talking and talking about just everything.  Those who know us well will not be surprised about our location.   We birthday celebrated with Eric and his family at OUT BACK restaurant.  Me sitting in between my two great wonderful grandsons..  It was our first visit to a restaurant since the Covid experience started.  The grandsons received their second shot a few days ago and will be safe in a few more days.  The food smelled wonderful and my small cup of fruit was the choice along with a protein drink.  Doug's half of a h

The bells are ringing for Me and My Team.

The 32nd day has arrived.  And the bell has been rung.  What a morning of celebration.  I dressed in my Sunday best.  Doug went with me although I said I wanted to drive because I was determined to drive to every one of my sessions.  So I did.  The 32 radiation session completed and off to the bell I went.  There were lots of pictures of my IU support team although I forgot a picture of my most important doctor through all of this radiation session Doctor Lange. I will see him in a month for another check up.   Once again I was reminded to drink lots of fluids along with power drinks for added protein.  I'm still stuck on cottage cheese and Jello and milkshakes but that's better than nothing but not to much better than nothing.  Now I can look forward to taste returning although it might be some time.  That will be the answer to lots of wishing.  But it will be coming. Just like Christmas or Pentecost of any other celebration,  it will arrive.    Yesterday was a bottom out afte

The Eve

There is a Christmas Eve, New Years Eve and today is  the eve of important marker Friday.  So today there is a lot of excitement bubbling up for what will come this time after this eve passes.  Graduation day is tomorrow and I plan to not wear jeans to the event but my Sunday best. .  There will be a commencement address by the doctor and nurse with instructions.    I'll will pay attention although most addresses are pretty boring.  I teased the front desk ladies saying I expected a certificate of completion with a job opening to be included.   I'd love to have a tassel moving liturgy spoken.  So much for the fun...It probably will be ONE and DONE!  A very truly marker that I will remember.  Many years ago there was another marker on June 4th.  The birth of our first son Eric.  Who would have thought then that June 4th would have another marker added.   Today I'm staying busy once again outside.  It's a great place to quiet the mind and think about simpler t

Another day.

 Some days are just crazy with unexpected things.  So...this morning the good old routine of waking up early....4 am...That's not so good but a routine.  I'm wondering if I'm thinking to far ahead about the Monday Doc. appointment.  Who knows?  Paper reading, breakfast and a little TV and then out the door for the 30th radiation.  2 more to go and then it's BELL ringing time.  This morning included a PT session with the soft tissue Denise still trying to get the fluids back where they belong.  We're looking at some sort of brace things to wear after the skin is back to normal. The skin is very tender now and easy to harm.  Then it was home but a dark rainy day and for some reason it was a tired time with naps.  Lunch and then finally a walk in the garden between rain showers discovering that once again there was a chipmunk waiting to be moved to the woods.  So the car took me to the woods but the car also indicated that a tire needed air. the Honda shop to

Yes,,,I've been gone. Not really.

 The computer has been gone.  Friday Doug decided we needed to move on to something that worked better.  So...we did...then the long weekend was here with no computer.  I so sorry if that made some hard questions come your way. in business.   So what has happened?  The extra day with out radiation was a positive thing.  Woo...Better days are ahead.  Lots of time in the garden puttzing  My, what an escape.  More zinnias are finding a new home where they will have more space to grow.  I think our spring growing season has been fantastic.  None of those boiling days of heat.  The coolness and mistiness suggests Oregon or Washington State.  Rain at the right time...None to heavy.  Tomorrow that should happen again.   This morning was the last Tuesday for radiation.  Three more to go. My skin has held up.  The excess fluid in my neck is being treated with another appointment Wed.  Eating still is an issue but strawberries in the milkshake had a hint of strawberry flavor to