Looked, moved, trimmed, fed, tied

 That's what is happening in the garden.  It's nearing the end of June with  evaluation time.  What is working and what might be working with a little additional help.  So...two of the three Rosemary's are now less crowded and stand a better chance filling in the space where the onions were.  The Blackeyed Susan/s have received a trimming.  Not all but most. It will delay blooming for some and make more blooms for others.  On to the swamp milkweed.  One of 5 received an extra feeding.  It's looking a bit puny with yellow leaves.  The other 4 are just fine.  And the Hollyhock has been tied up. It's a little top heavy.  And now for the look part.  Vinca in the shade have been moved to Vinca in the sun joining the rest of the sun lover Vinca's.  And the little self seeders continue to show their faces.  That's a fun thing to find.  It's one of those oops, there you are moments, knowing they will find a good spot to show how beautiful they can be.  The Dalia girls are loving all the extra showers. There was another huge one last night with added thunder.  They are soaking it up.  So for now...that's the evaluation.  Yes...the garden is never finished.  

Another great Sunday, the message coming through words, music, prayer and just being together again.  The afternoon finished the fluffing of the garden soil and could need to be a repeat since receiving another good amount of rain.  Phone call from JB and Kimmy with some conversation about the coming weekend...Our time to visit with them for a few day.

And although yesterday's read was about the Russell fathers, I should mention that the Hostetler father was one of a kind.  Supportive in all that the family attempted.  A builder, salesman, factory worker, gardener, care taker providing for the family in a most generous way.  Thank you Oscar also known to his children as our Pop.  


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