So much to learn.

 So much to learn and I never knew I would need to know.  My session with my new friend...the second Denise in my life will result in learning much more than I thought I needed to know.  Denise is my PT therapist who will work on soft tissues that need correcting.  As the session ended I told her...YOU are a great teacher. She shared so much background information that makes so much sense that will help in understanding how soft tissue impacted by surgery and radiation are harmed and healed through techniques Denise will use.  Her healing hands will be most important.  Pray for her and her hands.  And to be sure, I have homework.  I think the bases are covered.  Sessions are once a week right after radiation on Wednesdays.  I loved the morning of information gathering.  I'm sure there will be more of the same as the weeks go by.  

And of course there was fun in the garden.  The rain has passed and by afternoon the outdoor temperature said come out and play!  Another bed was cleaned and preened and in a month will be ready for the butterfly attractors of red and orange zinnias.   The Butterfly Weed plants should be amazing this summer.  When perennials are planted it has been said...the first year they sleep, the second they creep, the third the leap.  This is the leaping year and my little friends are showing that to be true.  They are barely out of the ground but there are lots of little green shoots at each plant site.  Their leap will be a huge one.

The patio seat was filled for more than an hour.  I spied a hawk flying over my next door neighbors back yard.  It landed in a nest in her tree.  Woo...hawk babies coming.  We had a family last year and those babies and mother are loud  neighbors.  Woo...loved hearing them talk when learning to fly but they are loud.  

A little more edging flower beds closed out the day.  Such fun to dig when the soil is perfect for that job.  

Doug checked the mailbox and there was yet another get well card to carry me through.  It's the boost I can claim knowing that supportive friends are near.  It's a gift beyond measure that I cannot describe.  It's a very good thing.

Tuesday, a week from today will be a busy day full of new experiences.  It starts with a dry run through radiation. Then another doctor's appointment, this time with the diabetic doctor and then it's Doug's turn to have his 6 month's appointment.  Life goes on with these kinds of markers for the present which will lead to continued health.  Thanks be to God.  In ways to numerous to count, we are a fortunate couple. 

As we were eating supper I was looking over some advertisements to buy which came in the mail.  I recounted that I needed nothing...That's true but maybe a plant or two could find a home in the garden. There is always the exception.  That is yet to be determined but thought about. 


  1. Praying for Denise and her hands. Wonderful that God has people who are so knowledgeable and are such a help and blessing in the healing process. Praying for Doug's 6 month check up to be good too! Always room for plants! Nice pictures you sent me today. I love all the plants you have. I can see I need to be adding lots more around here! Thankful God is taking such good care of you and giving you such a beautiful outlook through this. What a gift!


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