It's the Fourth Day.

 The Third Day Easter.  It was a day of relaxing.  

Amy and Shorty sent a card with the following words.  Allow yourself to slow life's pace, easing mind, body and soul for healing.  Take the time to reflect on all good memories and meaningful moments.  Take Care of yourself and be well.  Written  by Samantha Chase Meyers.  Good words for me as well as anyone who reads them.  I struggle with this many times I think for many reasons.  Those reasons would be better off high on a shelf where I can't reach them.  No step ladder available.  That would make a huge difference. 

Yesterday, Patio sitting was a great event.  Picture taking from the patio was a great event.  Watching birds fly across the yard was a big event.  Trying to find bird nests was another happening.  Church at North and Sec. Presbyterian filled the day.  At 6 we found our way to Eric's house for another traditional Easter Sunday ham dinner and Noah birthday cake event.  Grandparents and the  Eric Russell family only quiet event.   A great way to end the day happened with a phone call from Jared..  

Today brings one of those marker days.  There have been many this year.  We're adding another.  At 2 this afternoon I will meet my Radiation Oncologist.  There will be lots of information added to our routine.  I'm a bit nervous knowing that I thought I was informed  about that Feb. 1 surgery.  I did  had an abundance of information but living through it to some degree was a show stopper.   I've tried to learn a bit about radiation but I know there will be surprises.  There are some things that needs to go high on the shelf again with no ladder available.   My support team is more than huge and walking along side.  I always have felt that I knew pretty much where I am going.  Once again, NOT this time.  God must be my pilot.  No amount of anxiety changes the future.  Hide the ladder.  

Guarding with all I have the ability to think positively and then to continue to surrounding myself with positive people is my first priority..  My endocrine system needs that more than ever. It seems to be a bit wacky these days.  I'm trying to steady it.  I well remember that first diagnoses was a Neuro Endocrine Tumor on my head never seen before by a long time in his 60's oncologist.   Today more questions for the doctor.  The fourth day has arrived.  There is light in the window.


  1. I am printing this to post on our bulletin board: Trappist prayer chain activated!


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