Dry Run among other things.

I'm posting a little later this morning because it was the first of the coming 32 radiation sessions heading to this lady.  It was a short run though making sure that all is ready for tomorrow.  Check points checked, X-ray's done again and this time the mask that will keep my head in perfect alignment was fastened to the table It's a very, very  tight fit that allows for NO movement at all. That's a good thing.  I wondered if I could breath but of course I'm here to say...I breathed.  The table tips while the radiation scan machine circles it. Strange sensations I can experience even though I can't see anything.  The mask is tight.  The swelling at the site of the head surgery needs special mask handling which I will help with.  

Tomorrow after treatment Number ONE,  I will move on to see Denise who will proceed with soft tissue physical therapy for an hour working on the swelling as well as other issues related to the surgery.  That's a Wed. only event with more work here at home..  The healing routine physically begins again in a new way.  

Gardening has been a life saver meaning a distraction when needed.  Yesterday was no different. I messed with a problem site.  There is no Charlie there any more but a nice piece of ground ready for something else.  I'll pass that by today since the weather is going to get nasty for a day or two.  A lot of pots will cover plants tonight.  Snow, snow, stay away...Just because Charlie is gone doesn't mean there is a place for snow..  Some say two inches...The HORROR of it all.  I think all the garden seed things like lettuce, radishes, red beets and onions will be fine.  Protection for some more deserving plants is in the works.  That means all things related to butterflies.  

More regular check ups with doctors today.  The beat goes on for both Doug and I.  This life  is a bit different with a whole lot of learning coming our way.  No new surprises are anticipated.  Just the "normal' stuff.    I sing the might power of God...that's the song for today.  God is by my side.  


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