Blame it on Garden Time.

 Yes a little later in posting but...OH WHAT BEAUTIFUL MORNING. was garden time and it's only 9 am.  I'm finished for the day but I dug horseradish, scraped more Charlie weeds out (reminds me of Norbert)  and grass seeded lots of places in the yard because it's should rain for the next few days and there are lots of bare places.  The red beets are up, asparagus is peeking out and the lettuce needs to GROW!  Don't be so lazy. Gardeners always are heard talking to their plants, giving encouragement but also giving strong suggestions when needed. The zinnia seeds buried in their little peat pots on Good Friday last week are showing their heads.  12 out of the 20 pots show tiny little zinnia plants for now.  It's up from the grave, they arose or something like that.    Each of the pots have three seeds so I'm hoping...gardener talk...that I will have 60 zinnias to plant.  And I have more seed for back up..  

My neighbor has this saying on her garden wall.  There is always music in the garden but one must be silent to hear it.  Don't you just love that.  

The black birds have been chased ONCE AGAIN from the bird feeder.  The meal worms are in their holder for the blue birds but other birds get their share as well.  The bird bath with  a busy fountain has added water since the wind seems to blow the water around.  Life is good and my body continues to move toward feeling somewhat like the old body it once was and with continued effort such as strolling with Stella to build strength for the days ahead.   God is really good.  I continue to be filled with gratitude for that gift.  Oh what a beautiful morning!  


  1. OK - so it's 9:00 am when you wrote this and now, as I write this, it is 10:30 and I hope that for most of the last hour and a half you have been sitting in your chair listening to the music in your garden.

  2. What great words - and feelings that I can fee through the web - of thanks and gratitude!!
    That's for sharing your heart. I, too, hope your resting a bit!! Enjoy the arrival of Spring
    in, patty


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