Beautiful morning...Beautiful day.

 Another day to do good.  It's Sunday.  Another Sunday at home for me but Doug has begun to attend church along with other choir members.  The choir is now a part of the morning live streaming service.  They sing from  the pews with spaces separating.  Rehearsals are at 12 pm for the next Sunday's service.  And my choice not to sing is because it's not certain who will or will not opt for Covid vaccinations in the choir.  Perhaps if there was no radiation in my future the decision would be different.  Building and sustaining immunity is front and center currently for me..  

The radiation experience starts this week with a test it's done...on Tues with the real thing starting Wed. along with soft tissue physical therapy starting Wed. after the radiation session.  I'm an early bird so I U North Hospital will see me there no later than 8:20.  This early bird will own the rest of the day for whatever she wishes to do. It could include visits to garden shops on the way home from I U North.   If it works out well, I plan to make the 10 minute drive myself although Doug is willing an able.  I could say he has an independent wife for the most part but he's always available when I need a hand.  I'm sure there will be time for the handy hand as the radiation days pass.  

I think today will be a bird watching day.  The little Downey was waiting for suet.  I was a slow poke having had a fairly good sleep.  After doing a number on my shoulder with the clippers and shovel a few days ago, I need to be kinder to this body I live in.  So kinder it will be on the patio watching birds among other things.  The garden will be left to do on it's own.  The kinder time with good sense should be extended until all is well.  

One of the songs sung at Prince Phillips funeral has been sung often by our choir.  It sings often in my head again.  His mercy is ever lasting is framed with musical notes  that are soft and gentle.  It ends with very spirited notes... enter into His courts with praise.  That's the God I serve. 


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