Guess What...

The answer is...I'm still paying for that fun Tuesday, two days ago.  What a bummer.  But it was fun.  All of the surgeries have occurred on my right side.  That side is weak.  Difficulty lifting things up into the kitchen cabinets is a noticeable change that should improve.  But that right arm and shoulder  is compromised. right shoulder has thrown a fit.  A huge fit. It worked way to hard Tuesday.   I'm listening big time to that shoulder and will help it get to a better place, bar none.  Lesson learned once again.  How many times do I need to relearn.  The answer is elusive.  It's my mother's fault!!!!!!  Really?  NO mine.  I'll own it.  

The fun yesterday came with bird watching.  My big time 2021 goal is to attract Orioles. So with a little reading and help from Jared I hope to be on the way.  Jared gave me a 12 inch by 12 inch board that I attached nails to for oranges and a bottle cap for grape jelly.  And then I hung it on a tree by it's cords and put orange fabric streamers hanging from that same hook.  The word is that Orioles like ORANGE.  So...there will be a lot of orange in the garden after I get that spray can of orange paint! Don't worry.   Then a very unusual thing happened.  It wasn't an oriole but a card from my friend Jane with a note.  On the front of the note card is the picture of a beautiful Oriole.  Now talk about thematic teaching that I loved to do  years was a thematic day!  So the kitchen window will be heavy with watching.  Orioles could arrive as early as the first of April, when the scouts appear, I want to be ready. They can stay here instead of Michigan.  Well, there probably will be enough of them for my Nana Michigan family.   Our Blue Bird named Mrs. Russell  is nesting and Sunday we found one blue egg and there probably are more by now. They are seen at the suite feeder during the day.  The sparrows are at the meal worms.  I think when mommy and papa Blue Bird are feeing their babies we will see them more often at the meal worm feeder chasing other birds away.  They are bold little creatures. .  The humming bird feeder is out waiting for those little creatures soon to arrive.  So...It was bird day all day for sure.  I think my shoulder noticed.  

Last night I was thinking of setting the note card on the feeder if I fail to get a real live Oriole.  Poor substitute but the card might work.  You think???

Another chili supper, the last, and then 3/13 card game.  This time I lost.  Seems that happened before. 

My mind keeps flipping to Monday.  What will the radiation visit bring.    I need to make Monday take care of Monday.  No amount of anxiety changes the future.   God be near.  


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