A bit odd or maybe strange.

 It's a bit odd or strange to be at home with an Iphone watching Holy Thursday services.  But that did allow me to be with the service at the National Cathedral.  Wonderful place.  Wonderful service.  Today I hope to do the same.  but a bit odd and a bit strange.  For years my brother Jim would drive from Richmond Va. to the Cathedral for the  Christmas Morning service and sit in a front row seat.   It's a special place.  After gifts were opened we would attend the service via TV.  

And yesterday was one of those past special day repeated once again.  It was a morning of flower shopping, some at Meijers and than at Sullivan's and then delivering Easter morning altar flowers to the church.  Sat morning will be another special morning of Eastersanctuary preparation.  The sanctuary is such a beautiful place with sun streaming in from the east flooding the pulpit area on many of those work mornings.  I'm wishing for that Sat.  It could be called a gift from God.

While at Sullivan's I bought the can of orange spray paint I thought I needed.  My head is in Oriole world.  So a touch of orange has been added covering some of the purple that has been found in the yard other years.  Purple is a great garden color as well.  Some of the flowers donated to the Easter cause are orange in color.  I could use a few of those.  Do I need them.  Probably not but I couldfind a place for them!  I made a stop at Habigs for some planting soil and containers.  Noah is visiting.  It's his birthday and we're planting seed hoping for an early growing start on orange and red zinnia's. The crock pot dinner included pork chops.  Our meals are small so the three extras will go a long way.   The rest of Thursday was a bit quiet taking a bit of care for the still struggling shoulder and arm.  Woo...it does get my attention  

So Holy Week continues.  The story is a heavy one.  On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross.   

God be near in the coming days.  


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