A gift.

 Today is a gift to receive and to give.  I just had a wonderful phone call with friend Charlotte.  She sends me the most beautiful cards.  Yes...I'm still getting cards.  I'm am grateful for the reminders that friends are walking along side.  I know Charlotte's cards will be unusual  before I ever tear open the envelope.  We talked a lot about plants.  She visited Rosie's yesterday and we bought the same flower with is called the Cardinal flower.  Humming birds love the tall red bloom..  It was the native variety.  We're native folks.  So...much fun to think about what the garden might look like this year but yes, I know there will be surprises.  Visiting with Charlotte was a gift.  

I've made a new friend who also visits IU North where the gift of healing happens.  Her appointment is just after mine.  We are early is on time folks.  So...hope to visit more tomorrow.  It's a gift to see her.  Today's appointment was a bit longer for me.  It took  longer in the mask to get my head in the right position.  I'm grateful to know that if all is not right the application will not happen.  Thanks be to God and to those who discovered the science of radiation and now apply it.  The mask is becoming my healing friend.  

Today I decided to come home with no added garden trips.  I planted the last two plants purchased yesterday and then had a long stay on the patio.  While fixing supper I became aware of  what has been discussed as one of the side effect.  It's that tired thing.  Every bit of energy was gone, completely gone.. The energy bucket was empty.   I started supper but it just wasn't going to happen.  Doug made the trip for burgers and I did do a slight rebound after that.  Not a dunk shot  but the evening was better.  

Patty came by with some soup so there are a few meals added to the  freezer along with come energy filled cookies.  

Today, I'm remembering yesterday.  Not much planned.  I will honor the needs of my body and the rain is coming.  Now that's a gift for the plants and also a gift that will keep me in the house.  One absolutely necessary thing for treatment is to stay hydrated.   My ice tea gal. container is always at least half full of black tea drinking all day!    I also stay hydrated on my radiation site also with green tea spray to lesson radiation burns. I know the importance of following instructions.  And I'm happy to say all my plant friends will also have their thirst taken care of both inside and out.  .  

From Mendelson Elijah...Thanks be to God...He waters the thirsty ground.  I first sang that in College...Hum...maybe 1959.  It stays with me as if that performance was yesterday.  Another gift received and remembered. . . 


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