A Birthday Day

 My once again our Friday visitor celebrated his 12th birthday spending part of the day with his grandparents.  Yes.  Noah is 12 years old.  It was time well spent in the garden spraying orange paint on a few more things continuing our Oriole endeavor.  It sounds a bit gross but there will be more flower colors added later.  We did plant red and orange zinnia seeds in peat pots hoping for some early flower plants.   Could I be going overboard.  Naah!  Laying stones to edge a garden,  giving Noah the clippers for clipping and driving through the carry out at Steak and Shake for lunch added to the fun.

A phone visit to my friend Jane was time well spent.  What a great listening, encouraging  friend she is.  We must do it more often.  A few sanctuary decorating questions from  one of my worker bees who will be meeting at church this morning to prepare that space for Easter morning and Eastertide services happened. This is  one of my favorite busy times of the church year.  Another being Pentecost.  I'm wearing red this morning.  Might be a bit early!  Pentecost would be a wonderful Sunday to again do church all together but I don't think there is a whisper of a chance.  

Another quiet evening...Another card game  Stella was to cold to take a walk.  The surprise of the day however, always good to expect one, is that after two very cold nights with frost and in the twenty's the Jonquils are once again lifting their heads up looking quite spiffy.  What a gift again received from Doris Douglas who provided a gift card with a specific request to me to buy Jonquils.  A wonderful gift from a great lady who mentored me in so many ways.   Of course the flowers  are yellow.   Orange flowers are in the works.  

In my head now are the words  up from the grave he arose.   That song comes through the voices of our children as they have sung it for many years at every Easter Service I can remember.  I remember a whole lot of things and this is one of them not to be forgotten.  

God be near.  


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