New week of more beginnings.

 This Monday starts with the sun shinning.  So welcomed after a gray day that brought a lot of rain and cold temps for May.  Frost tis morning in the lower part of the yard  but I think the plants are safe.  

Radiation for the day is finished.  Once again the ladies that I see are so positive in attitude and so helpful applying the mask.  I am blessed.  Today my body seems to be tired.  Food now has a new taste of nothing. That is unless it's pickled beets and red beet eggs and just plain pickles.  This is not a surprise but to be expected.  Brings me to those pregnancy days when food choices were strange.  By the way...My name is not Sarah.  Thank goodness.    Custard and Jello are good to go also.  The swallowing issues are a bit better but wondering if the two day's off of radiation had something to do with that improvement.  The truth will be known at the end of the week.  PT time needs to happen and it will.  So that's enough about me.  

My plan for the day is to lawn chair and book in the garden  by the oriole feeder.  .  It's waiting time for the temperature to get to a decent place. Come on Mother Nature.  It's May.  34 degrees should not be part of the plan.  It would seem though that there will be more of that this week.  I added a blanket to the bed last night.  For the beauty of the earth...but I'd like that place to be a bit warmer.  BRRR.  


  1. Lela, I was sent this poem by Mary Oliver the other day and I thought you would like it:
    (Sorry - I don't know how to make it an active link)


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