
 Another short night with an early morning wake up.  It would seem to be a habit for at least the month of January.  February could be different.  Medical phone calls have disappeared.  Other things have appeared.  Long time friend Rosie of at least 40 years stopped by with little heart cookies and a wonderful visit on the patio with masks on hearing about granddaughter Anna among other things.  There are always lots of  things to talk about with a friend of 40 years.  The florist arrive with a beautiful vase of yellow roses and more.  The card said These are your Pre surgery flowers to brighten things up this weekend. The word flowers could have said distractions!   Those were from another North Church friend along with her son and his family.  From time to time my mind slips to a foggy place of wondering but events like these bring light.  Noah was here for his Friday visit and a great game of 3/13 happened, this time with grandma winning.   

This evening included another training session with my Iphone,  installing news sites, weather sites blog sites and more...  Next week depending on how alert and ready for the world...I will be reconnected.  I'm looking forward to that event.  

The breathing machine keeps me busy and should prevent problems at the hospital.  Three power drinks of  Impact are consumed, tasting like eggnog, which I love, making these three times a day events a good thing.  Successful  healing is coming.  A small stash of items to take with me Monday have been selected including Mary Oliver of course. 

There is time now to do a bit of spiffing up the house today. That's a routine that always happens before the family camping trip.  It's just a habit...Next weeks event will be a very strange camping trip.   I hope to  recognize the difference.  I would say it's grabbing today to do something good.  Love to you all.  God be near.  


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