Any amount...most important

 A choir friend posted this on Facebook.  

No amount of regret changes the past

No amount of anxiety changes the future

Any amount of gratitude changes the present...AnnVoskamp

I will commit that to memory.  

Today is church day.  I will visit more than one site.  May not see my church friends but I'll be with church.  Since I am an early to rise person having that position since almost birth, I tune in to the Morman Tab. Choir at 5:30 am.  What a gift that calms the mind when it might just be on the crazy track.  I miss more than ever choirs singing.  So the MTC is really appreciated.  Love those devotional moments.  Sun. afternoon on EWTN usually has some musical works but not today.  It will be missed.  

This is the first day of the week that will help provide health information for both Doug and I.  Doug's appointment for surgery coming on Monday and then Tues and Thurs tests that will expose what's going on in my body.  Woo...Keep that prayer rug busy.  Your prayers are part of the gratitude that I feel for you and those doctors who will be guiding our lives. 

So...take care and we're off to the next phase of life this week!  With gratitude I can feel you walking along side as our former minister Kevin Armstrong said on so many occasions.  Thank you for those remembered words, Kevin.


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