Busy yesterday...quiet today!

 Yes...another new doctor yesterday.  The beat goes on as it needs to.  I met Dr. Schneider yesterday, once again at Simon's house better known as the Simon Cancer Center.  Dr. Schneider explained the process of Genomic's testing.  It's a relatively new process that a very limited number of hospitals are able to do.  The word  is that the tumor could benefit from this procedure.  Blood was drawn and the biopsy will be sent on to Ashion to determine what medication will target the tumor.  I need a bullseye on this one.  I think...but I'm not absolutely sure that the company is located in Phoenix Az.  So...Patty...they could be near by.  Another group of folks to pray for, finding answers that will define a specific treatment.  A huge word of thanksgiving to be living so near to helping doctors.   It is really evident that Dr. Schneider is very excited about the field of medicine he is in, looking for what I would say are needles in a haystack.  I appreciate so much that excitement.  The appointment was in the morning and on the way home, once again I stopped at the church to talk to my Thursday Bread and Bowl friends.  Some time ago I moved from the Thurs. group to working on the second and forth Sat.  I miss those folks so time to catch up with all their information and of course giving the latest update.  Information pushes the "night" away.  That's what it's all about.  I called Marcia L. and talked for a while as well.  I miss her for many reasons.  Diane G. called and another great conversation about a lot of things.  The rest of the day was quite.  Another card game of 3/13 after supper.  That's a must and I WON!  Poor Doug...Well not really but that sounds good.  So on to a new quiet day at 5:46 AM!  Doug's asleep.  It's pretty quiet when he's up as you who know him could imagine.  


  1. I haven't heard of Genomic's testing. Wonderful that they have researched and come up with new ways to help with treatment. Also great to have a doctor that goes the extra mile. Continuing to pray for all involved with making you well. Hugs!

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