Dump Time.

 Writing early in the morning seems to help clear my mind for the day...So I guess it's dump time.  

Yesterday morning I talked about waiting for the scan results not knowing when that would happen.  Well, wait no more.  Around 10 my ENT Surgeon Dr. Moore called.  I didn't hear the phone ring but heard Doug talking to who?...Didn't have a clue.  It was Dr. Moore with the grand and glorious word...the cancer was only in one place.  That was the overwhelm for the day.  The conversation continued with what other things I needed to know about the surgery.  Having that first conversation in his office on the 4th, the huge jolt of information,. and then hearing it again showed me once again that this Dr. knows how to talk to patients.  Once again...the surgery will be long.  Getting rid of the bad and then supporting the good will be in his "deck of cards".  We play a lot of cards at our house.     The hospitalization will be about a week.  There will be skull rebuilding with skin graftings.  All doable.  I know he has had practice.  A neuro surgeon will be part of the team.  It would appear that all the bases are covered.  And then it's your part.  Prayers for the surgeons first, and then prayers for the body they and God will be working on.  My part...keeping my mind in the right place.  

So the rest of the day was spent sending the great news to my e-mail friends, my choir friends through our face book site, and visiting my neighbor.  Friend Beth G stopped by with a jar of friendship soup from our church ladies, and a meal.  Well, really three come to think of it.  We eat small meals for Doug's issues.  

Speaking of Doug.  He also heard about his hiatal hernia surgery date.  He is a bit disappointed in how far away it is but perhaps that date says that the issue of helping each other through the interesting days to come will be easier.  The date is April 12th.  My goodness...he really needs to eat right.  No big dump of food on his stomach which now is  located in the wrong place.  

This morning's work...an appointment with the Precision Genomic's Clinic.  Another trip to the Simon house at 9 am.  Another information morning.  Live is good.    

So...there is the dump for the day.  


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