Early morning awareness

 It's quiet in the house.  It's early morning and for the whole day, gifts are in motion.  How can I gift others and what gifts will arrive?  Awareness is the word for the day.

  Many years ago I accompanied confirmation groups at North on their annual spring trip to Atlanta.  The trip was mission and fun  filled with many quality experiences throughout the Atlanta area.  Nancy Baxter was our church leader and at the end of the day, sharing where we saw God in that day was an expected question for all to answer. It was a very good learning experience for the group.   Today brings a Bread and Bowl soup kitchen work morning.  Working to prepare carry out meals and talking to those who come for food will include gift giving both ways as we give and as we receive.  I look forward to these mornings.  I will pray for awareness.  

Yesterday was a very quiet day with one exception or two.  3/13 card game was lots of fun and only one phone call from I U North hospital.  That one was Doug's.  So...preregistration is finished for the procedure on Wed.  I can stay in the hospital while the endoscopy is in progress that will shares important information the surgeon can use.  We both are in limbo about the next step but all in due time.  These preparation days at home are gifts to both of us.  God be near.  


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