
 Sometimes planning ahead works and sometimes it's just a crap shot.  We often think of that last word, even if it is a bit offensive when planning ahead for meals that might be needed for North's Bread and Bowl noon lunches.  How many folks will be coming, how many meals will we need.  That is something  very hard to have a plan that succeeds. 

Yesterday...the plan was to make chocolate chip cookies.  That plan worked. Grandson Noah is here tomorrow.  But then the IU phone calls started coming.  Woo...those folks use our phone number a whole lot.  So the plan for the blood which was drawn for the Genomics testing just needed a new plan.  It appears that the tubes taken about a week ago were somehow contaminated so the new plan now takes me downtown to the Simon C Center this morning.  The plan is to share a little more blood.  And the labs plan is to look for any bits of cancer that could be hiding in the blood.  I think that's a great plan.  One can never be too careful.

Another call from IU was for Doug.  Added to todays plan is another trip to IU North. Doug is getting a Covid Test to prepare for an endoscopy.  That plan for an endoscopy, scheduled for April 12 is now scheduled for January 27th.  Perhaps the time for Doug's Hiatal Hernia surgery has been rethought. That's a huge change in plans.  Nothing is certain at this time.

I would say staying flexible for new plans would be a great plan.   

The blog site has a numbering system counting the folks who are walking along side by reading whatever I write. I don't know who you are but the fact that you are with me helps me through the plan for the day no matter if that plan is a successful plan or one that has surprises.  God be near. 


  1. Dear Lord,
    Thank you for physicians and medical personnel that help us with health. Please help Lela and Doug to remain calm and confident in the face of changes and appointments. Please grant Doug a successful endoscopy next week that leads to his health and healing. Please keep them both safe on the road as they travel back and forth to appointments.
    And, Lord please do remain near and within Lela and Doug as they depend on You, Father, Creator, Healer and Provider.

    Thinking of you and continuing to pray.

  2. Dear Lela - what flexibility you must embrace on this road you are on!! I am so happy that Doug
    will not have the long wait - but Wow! lots of new things to work through now. Please let others help you!! I pray for both of your safety, for your doctors's abilities to accomplish what they intend to and for both of you to know peace and comfort. love you bunches....patty

  3. I'm glad Doug is moved up but it does add another wrinkle in the time frames. Prayer continue.


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