The Gift of Memory

 What one remembers can really be remarkable, the merry-go-round, elementary teachers, I can name everyone of mine and when I do their faces are with me.  Some other memories...Sunday school teachers, summer bible school, going with my mother peddling eggs and vegetables  to many families. The chocolate store we stopped at before going back home.  There was always the Sun. evening church along with Thursday night prayer meetings.  I hated those last two things but attended anyways.  It wasn't a choice.  Memory is a very unique gift to have.  It's the long term kind. 

Yesterday a song came from my memory library out of the blue.  I had not thought of it for a very, very long time...perhaps 60 years.  I heard the words and could sing the tune.  God will take care of you. Another surprise.  The door opened in my memory library.  There it was and is for now.  Blessed again with a gift. 

Now for yesterday.  Doug's procedure showed that the hernia is still large but has not increased in size.  I would call that's good news.  Doug has some comfort about that. I'm sure there will be a conversation with the surgeon in the near future.  There was just one phone call from IU.  A short report from the Nurse  Practioner.  The echo produced good heart  information the doctors will use Monday.  Another gift. 

Covid Test finished...Told to stay home away from people.  We are good at that. 

A good friend and I are putting together a couple of ways to alert my family of friends/choir members to  stay in the light about the next week adventure.   Not knowing for me brings darkness of thought. Knowledge is light.  So stay tuned.  Reach out.  Blessings will come. 

Today should be simple.  Expecting an IU phone call or two.  That's really easy at this point. Long term memory is a I should work on the short term kind.  That is not so easy.  One always needs a challenge...Humm...the I phone takes care of that.  

Thinking about the data I see about you blog readers.  Seeing the number of folks reading is comforting..  Thank you so much.  You all are on this walk with me.  Comments also are a blessing.  Thank you friends.  Dumping my words in the early morning hours here is a huge gift to me.  

God be near.  


  1. I remember one of your memories you shared with me as you delivered fresh flowers to my porch. You told me you were in charge of the fresh flowers in the house. What a lovely job for a child.

    Speaking of prayer: I heard from your friend Kathy today. Thank you for putting me on the list. We know that God balances the words, hearts, and interests of all praying people and weaves together the best plan. You are covered in prayer and in the love of Christ.
    Kathy F.


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