A Robin...

 Best sleep ever, even though it was another chair night.  I'll take it gladly.  Yesterday Rosie stopped by with green bean, ham and potato soup.  Lots of talking happened.  It was a good thing.  Maybe that was related to a long night of sleep done in spirts but still done. .  Who would know.   I do continue to be surprised at how quickly I  and my back seem to reach the done  part of doing.  This morning Doug and I did a bit of changing furniture in the dining room to allow for a rocking chair and window combination to watch the birds at the feeders. It's great entertainment watching the robin chase away the black birds more than once or twice until the b. Birds decide  Robin is king.  Every feeder needs at least one Robin.  

Not much more is on my mind now.  Just continuing to celebrate the healing of surgery sites.  One day at a time Sweet Jesus...that's the music of the day.  


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