Cold, Snowy Tuesday and Family.

 Looks like a marsh mellow world from my window.  Good old Carmel.  7:30 and the road is plowed.  Breakfast eaten, crossword finished and I'm ready for the next thing.  Might be a nap.  Speaking of sleeping...The prayer warriors must be working.  Last night, although not long, the sleep was rewarding.  Thanks be to God.  Maybe the body is quieting down.  Maybe prayers are working.  Could be both. 

Today was to be a PT day but I canceled.  We have a driveway that needs  plowing.  And I can PT by myself today as well.  I do have a way to go but I'm ready for the trip.  PT will be Thursday with my friend.  

Before Feb 1st I awarded myself an IPhone.  What a fun way to stay connected with the grandsons.  They are a hoot.  Michigan kids have no school today.  That message came early.  It's lambing season on their farm.  I've lost count at this point but there are sets of twins as well as singles.  Some little black and some little white lambs.  Got to have sturdy farmers to help with birthing  when it's so cold..  The Michigan Russell crew exhibits that trait.  Kimmy checks the flock often during the day to look for surprises and those who need birthing help.  Two ewes delivered at the same time.  Jared was with one...Kimmy took the other.  I thought sheep did that exercise by themselves.  Well, some do but some don't. 

Eric was not called into work last night.  He will have time to dig out today as well.  And our dig out comes from our lawn/snow service at some point today.  We're home until tomorrow around 1130.  Then off to the Medical center downtown Indy.  I will be delivered of some staples and maybe a drain or two.  One seems to be producing way to much fluid  to leave the wound site at this point.  We'll see.  

One of those gifts I didn't imagine before Feb. 1  is taking me through the night.  I'm listening to Second Presbyterian Indianapolis services on my IPhone.  What a gift with such powerful sermons,  music and prayer.  While living in Korea for many years, my brother Jim joined the Korean Presb. Church  in Seoul often playing the organ for services.  The strong emphasis on living the Christian life for others is a message I also here.  So I'm Methodist, Sun. morning...Presby. during the week trying to live the life Jesus would have me to do.  

And another reminder of family...Music.  When Jim was playing our family piano,  we were blessed to have a grand piano in our living room I remember it's arrival. .  My favorite place to hear that instrument was lying  immediately under the piano.  I must have been maybe 5 or 6 at that point.  Maybe a bit older.  So...what ever the instrument...organ or piano.  Those also are gifts beyond measure.  Today, my niece Beth has that family piano, a wonderful Chickering.  Heather play on!!!  Loud!!!    Ron keeps the piano tuned.  

Light is coming through the window.  Doug is missing it all at this point!!   But surprises will come today since once again I have emptied my mind on this post.  

Music for the day...I know my redeemer liveth.  My mother's favorite Messiah peace.    


  1. That was my mom's favorite song too! I love it too! Nice memories of the family grand piano and your family. Glad you got some good sleep even though for a short time. Happy you have that I Phone too. Nice to be able to stay so connected with family that is far away.


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