Is it time?

 As you may or may not know...My "bed" has been my chair for most of the month.  Last night another try at lying down.  A most uncomfortable night was the outcome.  Things take the time they take.  Yes...Mary Oliver.  My time just doesn't happen to be the time it takes. 4 am back on the chair with a good 4 hour sleep.  I hear you Mary Oliver.  

And the conclusion to yesterdays events tell me...better timing needs to happen.  Back to back visits with the home health care nurse and PT person and then a short visit with a good friend.  Zooming with the choir ended the evening.  Trying to stay on top of all this is another one of my pit falls.  I don't need to stay on top!  A great lesson to learn.  Somethings need to go...somethings need to stay.  

Today, I would love to have a shower.  This might gross my readers out but...I have had a wash down and a hair shampoo at the sink but no shower since the morning of Feb. 1.  My leg is healing wonderfully, well my back can get a great wash with no staples and Doug is now more at ease with water running over my head wound.  It's time, Mary.  It's time.  

The world in Indiana promises to warm up soon.  The snow this morning with the sun shinning on it looks like diamonds reflections from our front window.  Time for a little warmth to come to the bird feeders.  They have been a gift I enjoy while doing PT at the kitchen sink.  Seeing a big robin try to attach himself to the suite is a challenge for him.  .  I'm learning more about challenges as well.  


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