
 A huge one of many more to come.  This one...the wedge in the bed...5 hrs of sleep.  The hope is that the wedge will be helpful with sleep apnea.  Judgment is out on that one right now. It's worth a try.  

Todays' milestone...a visit to the IU medical center to remover all the staples , a check up with the skin graft on my head and a look see on my leg where the graft came from.  I could loose the drains!!!  That's a milestone for Doug.'s another one of those medical days.  I am so very grateful.  It's all part of the plan to returning health.  

We'll bundle up early, take the road south and proceed to the I U parking lot with a wheelchair push to the Med center and then to the office where ever that might be. The first visit...The INFORMATION desk.    I've been to Dr. Moore's office at I U north hospital, not downtown.  

I think it's today the tumor board of doctors meet to discuss what the next chapter in this get well book will contain.  There was a hint of no chemo but just radiation after all the healing sites heal..  So that decision will be coming to our house perhaps by Friday.  That chunk of information needs to arrive swaddled in prayer.  The decision does not scare me.  

So today...let's add prayers for the country.  It has received a terrible wound.  


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