
 The success I'm thinking about is the fact that yesterday I dressed in my red and white feeling a bit like before surgery and once to the Medical Center to see Laura,  my new best  friend.  Laura has walked the walk of drain removals, answer giver, finding someone to answer my questions when she couldn't and provided a steady hand the last few weeks of visits.  I expressed my gratitude to her for that gift of healing.  I think she understands.  And the last of 4 drains was removed, not with out a bushel of pain for this one.  I discovered it was about a foot long.  Ouch!!!And to add to the goodness of the day, Dr. Moore the ENT Surgeon sat with us and answered more questions as well as sharing expectations for the days ahead.  Yesterday was a gift. 

The good things...the flap taken from my back continues to shrink as expected.  The color is good and continued healing is expected.  Those are medical comments.  My comment not through medical eyes, "are you sure".  My eyes tell me...Uck.   After sending pictures to the grandsons again, they agreed!  My leg wound  needs no dressing.  It's getting tougher by the day. The drain hole needs just a bit of attention and will heal quickly.  All is good.  Of course I'm not a doctor, so adding a little trust to the "get well" receipe is the order of the day.  Easy to do with such an esteemed group of medical helpers.  

I have discovered that there are descriptive papers written about different parts of the surgery.  I have a biopsy descriptive paper, Yesterday I asked for one describing the removal of the tumor and removal of the muscle.  It's evidence and a moment of thanksgiving for doctors who have studied and practiced their art of healing for those in need.  Again unspeakable gratitude to those with healing hearts and hands.  

The "sleep" news I received asked that I spend the next month doing with out the c pap machine allowing more healing without restrictive straps to occur over the flap.  A challenge I will be successful with.  So..."sleeping around" the house will continue.  Last night I did the bed for about 2 hrs. Then to the chair for the rest of the night.  That's fine knowing that naps can occur during the day and I have no difficult tasks to complete.  And I have Doug to keep me steady, who finds me in nap mode often.  .  Another gift of gratitude.  

PT continues today.  I'll take a break after the last session and then continue on with strengthening my back.  Those sessions will continue at I U North Medical Center.  

With Dr. Moore, the conversation continued about cancer and locating where it might have started. We might get answers but perhaps not. That has happened before.  So...the path forward will be interesting starting with the breast MRI and time with Dr. Bryan Schneider in the next few months.  

My PT buddy came at noon and we took a walk around the block.  The outside air was wonderful and then of course afternoon naps followed.  

Any amount of gratitude changes the present.  God is near.  


  1. it is good to hear this update. Your attitude of gratitude encourages healing. So, keep it up!


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