A Marker.

 When I look at the calendar the number 1 indicating the first day of March, I remember  the 1 that went with February.  It's been 4 weeks since my life has changed a bit.  I'm aware that my body is still a bit biffed about surgery but with help moving on toward more healing.   I've discovered that ice bags are a favorite of very tight muscles that have been assaulted where lymph nodes were removed.  Ice packs  relaxes those muscles. The ability to feel heat and cold is a bit lacking so I need to be careful.  But finding relief for tight muscles is a gift from God. 

Yesterday's message from the pulpit was about giving support to those who need healing.  Darren talked about the man who was carried to Jesus for healing.  The story of the roof being opened and the man lowered to Jesus by his friends. I remember when small the visual picture that came thinking about the crowd.    The support of friends was an important part of that story.  My, my...how I have felt that.  Healing comes in many forms, through medicine but also as important through friends.  I remember so well while in the hospital, my nurses said more than once...YOU have a great support team. Even though company was not allowed, they could sense that to be true.    

One of my supporters is Ellen, a primary school student living in Speedway and part of the North Church family.  She might be 8 or 9 now.  Ellen is a cancer miracle.  I spotted her often during her chemo treatment time at church.  Ellen had a most cherished Panda who attended all her chemo sessions.  It suffered greatly at the mouth of dogs during a camping trip.  I was able to put that friend back together with the help of a same donor Panda found at Goodwill.  Talk about a God moment!  Yesterday Ellen and her mother left a bag of goodies at my door. There were Panda cookies and a word search book among other things.  Ellen has quite a collection of Pandas.   I don't know how we missed the door bell but we did.  Perhaps I was out walking or sleeping...A phone call last night expressed my thanks to my North Church family, once again providing the support of friendship as in the story of we heard from the pulpit.  

Today should be pretty quiet,  Still working on educating my self about my Iphone.  It's not going so well.  I have lots of time. My texting with grandsons is a gift.  Blessings abound.  


  1. Such a lovely story about Ellen and pandas. And how great that you have a new challenge to keep you out of trouble! I love the day you swiped and got the whole family together. (Of course, since I have no I phone, I have no idea how that could happen, so, as far as I know, you are learning magic - why not?)

    In the cloister garden the Japanese magnolia is blooming, camellia are out, and the lonely bullfrog is calling for a mate as he has done year after year after year. The turtle has not yet appeared for a banana treat. Life is springing.

  2. What a touching story about Ellen! I love when God brings people into your life for them to be a blessing to you and you to be a blessing to them. How nice that you fixed her special Panda, and how nice that they left such a blessing for you at your door. Love those stories of Jesus healing and how the friends went to all that trouble lowering their friend down to Jesus so he could heal him. Friends are definitely a gift from God. I'm glad you have so many to support you and help you through this time. Happy I am blessed to have you for a friend or I might say "framily", friends who are family.


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