Another Story for Today.

 Yesterday was a slow day.  It was a good day.  Morning naps were good.  Checking on the beautiful blooming purple crocus was a treat.  Looking for life in the garden took some time.  Horseradish is waiting.  And adding fake forsythia to the pussy willow branches pushed the dining room into bloom.  It was a brisk walk around the block again with Stella Stroller...what a friend.  

Now for the story.  It would seem that the past months have seen more than enough deaths, illness and just general distress among our church family.  Another one was noted in our church e-mails yesterday. A distant cousin Clyde has been hospitalized.    Angie was added to that list a few months ago.   Angie, the mother of 4 children, some the ages of our Carmel grandsons was diagnosed with breast cancer.  At first it seemed to be not so serious, but that changed dramatically.  Angie's family along with two other families at church,  one of those being son Eric/Kat's family,  are the best of buddies, celebrating  swim parties, game nights, picnics, trips to the zoo along with the Children's Museum trips.  When Kat heard of Angie's soon to come chemos, Kat told Angie she would shave her head as Angie would loose her hair.  So another "party" was planned. I had a no hair daughter-in-law walking along side her friend.  That's what we do.  Kat has very sensitive skin,   She has had a challenge with cysts.  One has had more than enough  attention and is now healing.  But...after the "head shaving" party she found a second one on her head. It was hair hiding.   So there was another trip to check on the new and healing cysts.   The returned biopsy on the new cyst said it was a basel cell cancer.  One easily taken care of  if found early. The decision to walk along side Angie has proved to bring healing teaching moments to more than just Kat and Angie. Walking with and walking along side cannot be said to strongly.  That's what we are asked  to do. Kat is once again visiting the doctor to make sure that margins being created today are good allowing for successful  healing to happen.   Blessings abound.  God is here. 

Later this morning it's a last trip to the neuro surgeon.  There are just a few questions.  Then maybe a stop for a hamburger again.  We polished off the last of the smoked white fish last night. There's a picture of the bony left overs.  What remembered visits to the U P through fish.  Friend Beth stopped by with food.  Another example of walking along side.  Those words are memories flooding my mind often said by a minister North once heard each Sunday.  Thank you Kevin.  We must walk.  


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