Not Much! But a phone call.

 There seems to be not much happening lately.  Jared would say...same old same old.  I should be happy about that but it would seem that is my struggle.   Life is happening but slowly for now.  Breath, breath.  The phone call happened but this time the Doctor's Office called with a plan.   Still looking it seems to be.  So...we're back into mammograms.  Another one scheduled for Monday the 22nd.  The hunt continues.  This little evasive spot continues to be evasive.  We'd like to find the hider.  

After the phone call I decided it was time to get on with grocery shopping by myself.  It was a short trip to Meijers for coupon purchases, short trip to see Kat and the boys who live near by and then home. I might call those visits the mental health plan.   Ran the sweeper and then it was a quiet afternoon of recuperation.  The rest of the week looks pretty much a no plan week.  It might be a pansy planting day.  Lots of ice on the trees yesterday so pansies are still waiting.   I'm enjoying them in the kitchen even adding one to the salad last night.  Pretty, pretty.  Stella stayed in the garage for the day.  So that's it for now.  Praying for patience with things that are hidden.  Now we see through a glass darkly.  But then...


  1. Dear Jesus,
    Thank you that you know everything about this thing that is hiding. Lord, you are the Light in the darkness. Lord, there is no shadow with you. Lord, please, please reveal what needs to be seen and known in order to progress our precious Lela to health...full health.


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