On the shelf

 Last Monday my thinking process brought me the message...get on with your life.  The medical answer problem needs to be put on my shelf for now.  I can't speed the coming of those answers and life on hold just isn't good for a whole lot of reasons.  The results of that has been an amazing amount of energy bringing a bushel load of fun.  Garden dirt, finding blood root,  weeds and two garbage cans full of landfill offerings ready for pickup..  I found lettuce yesterday.  It's peeking through barely but it's there.  Thanks be to God for new beginnings. It is a gift for the mind.  I'm planting red beet seed today.  This morning, what was on the shelf is now in front of me again.  It's another mammogram.  This week could bring an answer but then again...maybe not.  The goal is to keep my thinking in the right place regardless of  negative thoughts that might come.    

Yesterday was church day.  It was an actual go to church at 11 o'clock day.  Grandson Andrew was confirmed along with two other friends of his.  This year confirmation happens across more than one  Sunday with small groups at a chosen service.    I was excited to be there but it was not a completely satisfying experience. I missed a church full of people. We sat to sing.  Standing brings an inclusion feeling for me. I felt more like a spectator than one who worshiped. Such a strange and unexpected feeling.  And then of course...because of head surgery I can only use one hearing aid.  The audio system and my one hearing aid garbled words.  But sitting with Andrew and being there on such an important day was of great importance to his grandparents.  I think church will continue in the computer room for now until we can have church as we did more than a year ago.  

Of course...the afternoon was spent outside, reviving another flowerbed.  Many more to go.  My gardening sore legs are gone.  The body is cooperating.  I've got to love it!  I visited with another walking neighbor who has had unexpected health issues in the past month.  This morning after the mammogram I'll stop at Ace Hardware and get some Preen.  The weeding job will be easier.    Bird watching continues to entertain.  So many birds including the black ones love the suite.  All God's birds need lovin'...It would seem that suite is a demand that fills all the birds requests.  

Lots of light in the window.  Another big time Monday is ready to start the work week.   Keep those prayers coming.  


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