Something new.

 The past months have brought a whole lot of new.  Thinking about the past 82 years...did I think all the recent new would be a part of living?  Of course not.  One  could accept or reject all the twists and turns that seem to be on the path lately.  I choose to see what the journey will be and where does it take me.  Life is an adventure. I'm looking for flowers.  

My night time adventure is certainly a new one.   I've discovered the Iphone.  I visit with many people interested in birds.  There are so many bird   questions and answers.  Another site takes me to wonderful classical music options.  I've heard a lot of good music sometimes putting me to sleep.  That's an added blessing.  And I will add a third.  Christopher Harvey, minister at Sec. Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis is a place I cannot do without.  His series of sermons for Lent are titled ReLent.  His crafting of words allowing one to follow so easily giving time  for  thought and imagination  is a light during those night hours.  I've listened more that once to a sermon since there is only 1 a week and there are 7 days in the week.  Hearing his message is a must and one that I hope you who are reading along will make time to Relent.  An interesting twist that needs some thinking...Christopher is giving up Lent for Lent.  Check it out!  

Yesterday...the phone call came early.  I was a bit surprised at how early.  The word was that I needed a mammogram allowing comparison to happen with the Fri. Breast MRI.  Five minutes later...another phone call. don't need a mammogram.  We will use  your January mammogram for comparison.  So today the comparison will occur.  It's beginning to feel like baby steps but remembering that babies start that way but the pace changes.  

Today the Home Health Nurse will make her final visit.  I'm grateful for her attention but happy that my time with her can  be given to  someone who needs her more than I do.  The beautiful warm rays of sun will be appreciated again with Stella.  I might try  the walk around the lake at the Monon Center with Doug.  I will choose a short trail if that happens.  Morning is at the window.  Time for the crossword puzzle with a walk to the mailbox and coffee with my eggs.  It's Tuesday all day!  Thanks be to God. 


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