Stuck and Unstuck!

 I'm making a huge attempt to move from the stuck to unstuck world.  The shopping trip alone was the first unstuck event. I have been thinking about knitting again.  Yesterday I unstuck myself and started a hat that make my gloves look like they belong, not orphans.    A long talk with the Michigan family last night and there is a trip planned to Indy coming really soon.  That will be another unstuck event.  It's moving back into those old good feeling activities that will prove that unsticking is happening.  Being stuck does not feel good. Yesterday I was so aware that my surgery sites are becoming just faint back round noises.  That is a blessing.  Yes...a few spots are still with me but I really can say that life is becoming unstuck from them. forward thinking about what I can control and forward thinking knowing there is a whole lot I cannot control.  Just LET IT GO!   Humm...Was there a movie???

Lots of good talk on the phone yesterday.  Marcia, Lydia, Diane.  Great talkers.  Lydia and I discussed Palm Sunday palms and Easter Altar flowers. .  She's a wonderful source of information that helps with the unsticking part of my mind.  

With the coming trip from the Michigan family...Jacob will get a whole bunch of driving experience.  He needs, what I think is a huge unbelievable number of driving hours, before he can get his license.  So...come on down.  So you can add them up.  I have a grandson old enough to drive.  Woo, woo.  Who would have thought!  

There is light in the window.  Breakfast is over.  Added spacers to the knitting project already and Wednesday is here...All day.  I hope Stella and I can have a walking date today.  Way to cold the last two days.  Stella is waiting.  So am I.  It's a dancing in the rain day leading to what I hope are more unstuck days.  


  1. I am happy there is a whole lot of unsticking going on. Happy you have a Michigan family visit happening soon too. It took me until I heard Stella had to stay in the garage before I realized Stella is your walker. I got a good laugh out of that. Continue to get unstuck and keep your wonderful outlook and attitude. It's a joy to read your blog! Prayers continue for you and Doug! xo


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