To Do List

 A little work in the garden was out there To Do.  Strange how this works.  I say time to quit and then 30 minutes's time to QUIT.  Gardener's thinking...just one more little job would make this look so much better.  Yesterday I talked about thinking. Some gardeners do a whole lot of defective thinking when the spring weather calls. It's called forgetting to quit and planting seeds to early among other things.   The herb garden was liberated from a lot of beginning weeds.  Woo.  Parsley is back, Cilantro is back.  Other plants to numerous to mention are back.  A lone little lettuce plant made it through the winter.  More seeds are in the ground but waiting for warmer weather.   All of the teas planted in pots are back.  They are the warriors of the garden.  Got to keep them in check!  That's a huge To Do.  

 Sweet Annie continues to get dug OUT  among other things.  Sweet Annie came from Marilyn Harmon YEARS ago and she, meaning Annie,  has never left.  Sweet Annie is a memory plant.  I can't forget her or Marilyn.  

Stella and I took a to do walk around the block later in the day.  Bird watching was a hoot  and was such a pleasant To Do  job.  !  I'm still continuing to play stump the squirrel.  I saw 3 running at the same time on the ground and through all the tall trees that are in the yard.  Looked like fun but not at my feeder.   My hope is that the change in feeders  might make a difference.    The blue birds were certainly entertaining all morning long.  They are such bold birds chasing the sparrows away from their mealworms and away from their house. They were in and out of the house more times than I could accurately count.   Stay out of the way of a blue bird.  They see everything and not afraid to claim territory. Don't mess with their TO DO list.    

A quiet evening of channel changing finished the day.  A bit of basketball checking along with some Iphone time.   A comfortable groove seems to be finding it's place for the days ahead.   A little of this and a little of that.  Sounds like a To Do list in the making.  


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