just a word.

 Jared said I'm going to go kayaking. Their kayaks are  very stable.  I have yet to try although Wyatt saw them kayaking yesterday, jumped in the water and then into Jared's the boat, and loved every minute of the ride.  Wish I had a picture.  Today was one of those cloudy cool windy days with a little sun now and then.  It's a long pants day.

with a jacket.  And then add books and you have the picture.  Adam Russell saw Kubb being played at some camp site a few years ago and received it as a birthday gift.  The kids set it up and they are playing it some evenings.  Looks like fun.  Google it.  
Posting is not as easy as one would wish.  The WiFi is very slow and involves getting all the equipment moved to where it will work.  For some reason I posted but the account two nights ago ended in a draft position.  The weather tonight promises to be a rainy one.  Should be interesting if I'm awake.  I'll probably miss it.  


  1. The pictures of reading in soft chairs and warm jackets are very inviting. Warm jackets are not needed here.

    Yesterday's slowly forming avuncular wisdom needs clarification (and I was fearful that some eagle -eyed, quick-brained, nimble-fingered relative would snap off a message to me): I meant to say that youth is the inverse of the number of body parts a person can move comfortably. The higher the number of comfortably moving parts, the lower the number of years. My ever decreasing number of easily movable joints assures me that my accumulated years are now greater than 43.

    No matter what, no matter how comfortable it is, go kayaking, Lela! It looks like fun. Wyatt cannot be wrong!


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