A Little of This and That.

 Today seemed to be a start and stop day with doing this and then that.  Deadheading, Pre Operation visit, deadheading, gathering vegetables, library visit, drugstore visit, hearing aid visit, watering, and more.  Just short little this and that jobs.  I guess after being gone from home for two weeks one needs to do this and that to catch up.  Much to my dismay, this kind of day took my energy level from a lot to not so much.  So I needed to include naps in the late afternoon.  That was really the surprise of the day.  I spent some time with a squash preparing it for a meal of two or three.  I'm still trying to find food that has an acceptable taste after radiation.  The pounds keep dropping and my hope is to slow that process.  That is a problem I never thought would be a part of my life.  Trying to consume enough calories to stay even is the goal.  

A view of the garden from the kitchen.  Could be Thanksgiving.  Our first tomatoes.  Yum.  



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