Day Two

 You guessed it...another morning with vertigo.  It's a mystery.  By noon I was functioning somewhat.  The huge disappointment of the morning was that church was a no, no and it was my privilege to read scripture for each service.  What a disappointment.  It's such a blessing to read words that were written so long ago and so true for us today from so many great writers. It should have been Timothy for me to read.   I'm sure there will be other times but hard to miss even one.  So I slept for most of the morning again and feel better again tonight as I did last night not having a clue we would have another go around this morning when getting out of bed.  Tonight I'll try the recliner for insurance.  My good old friend, the recliner.  While sitting on the patio today, it seems that the Downy's are back at the feeder.  I've missed them since we returned.  And the flowers are bringing in the swallowtails. This is just one of the pictures.  There was also a black swallowtail but he seemed a bit elusive when I tried to find him.  

There were a few more butterflies.  I have thought for a long time about the world God created with grass, flowers, and then created things to fill the space above the plants with interesting butterflies and birds, bees, and other kinds of insects and then topped it all off with clouds and blue sky.  That is a truly magical gift.  What a creative God we have.  Tomorrow we could be gifted with rain for most of the day.  Another interesting event to create a little interest and especially when it thunders and lightenings and then a big gust of wind comes along.  It's a gift the garden desperately needs.  

This little guy is having a great drink.  He chose a great restaurant.  
All nature sings and round me rings the music of the sphere.  There is always music in the garden but one must be silent to hear it.  I am truly gifted with nature.   But I would like to throw vertigo under Jared's tractor wheel..  I guess we can't win them all.  


  1. I streamed your 11 a.m. church service looking for you at the pulpit. You weren't there. Crap on the vertigo. That same yellow swallowtail was in my garden, too. He likes both our flowers. Found a fat green tomato hornworm on the Jaspers. Cut him off and threw him in the trash. Not all God's creatures have elevated purpose. Be well, neighbor....SJ

  2. Yeah, yeah, it must be the season. I'm getting up fairly regularly these days with my disequilibrium problems - nothing like your vertigo, though. Usually a couple of exercises from vestibular therapy gets me out of the wobblies. You definitely have my prayers. Even my little wobbles are no fun - I have to be very careful at Mass when I carry things and have to make a turn -- slow, slow, slow.

  3. Just rejoice that you are in great company with your "Twisties." Few are in Simone Biles' company. You are both GOATs in your individual ways.


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