A little of this and that.

 This morning I had my usual walk around the garden and discovered that a bunch of Becky Daisies were ignored.  So the clippers allowed that to be a gift to the garbage can.  And by afternoon Doug has moved the  3 cans to the road.  It's a liberal offering for today.  The last time I worked at church with visuals I promised myself to finish the clean up put away job at some point.  This morning was the morning to do that. We have three rooms where things are stored.  One is in the attic but two are easier to access.  This morning it was the banner closet that got some attention.  That area is once again in order.  I brought some brass vases home to polish.  They might need to be refaced.  But I'll keep working on them.  I'm started a second knitted cap in gold and black.  It's a gift for our church friend Brandon who is an avid Pittsburg Steelers Fan.  A few years ago I knitted him some Steeler slippers.  He wore the bottems through.  I knitted new bottoms and he wore them through.  So I'll try a hat this time. Two more inches to go with the hope I'll be finished Wed. night.  Brandon works at our soup kitchen Thursday with his mother and I'd love to surprise him.  

Tonight will be a knitting evening.  Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment.  My cleaning appointment did not go so well.  I had that don't mess with me feeling wanting to run out of the office.  .  I cried the whole way home.  Radiation had just finished and I guess I was pretty fragile.   A couple of years ago I fell and chipped my two front teach.  This will be a short repair job.  I hope it's short.    So If you can...tomorrow at noon, the prayer rug please.  I need you.  


  1. I will be praying for you tomorrow. We are going to be in Indiana Thurs-Sun. Will try to call or text and if you are feeling up to it, maybe we can come see you for a short little visit. We will understand if you are not with all you've got going on and all you have been through.

  2. Prayers rising - I opened this just before 11:00


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