Another Black Eyed Susan Day.

 Yes, the beat goes on.  I think one more week and I'll have Susans taken care of.  The sad thing is that now the Finch are loving them.  They attack the black center of Susan and just ride up and down in the process.  Their playground isn't completely gone yet and here's the proof. 

The hard lesson of living with a sore body has stayed with me.  The clippers work for a while but then stops clipping.  My back and arm are in charge and that's a very good feeling.  The flower beds will get cleaned all in good time.  No one is holding my hands to the fire.  

Today there was good patio time watching Peter as well as the hummingbird chase the Monarch.  Yes, one butterfly is still here.

The garden is looking a bit sad with no delightful yellow in places it once was.  But it will return again next year.  The other good news is that both kinds of lettuce are now above ground.   Woo, woo.  

I've stolen some empty room in Judy's garbage can with  Susans.  And another half of one of our garbage cans has been added.'s a good total of 3 huge containers for pick up tomorrow.  Next week should finish the Susan job.  Then it's on to something else.  

It's garbage can season, you know.  


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