Hurry Up and Wait.

 That seems to be the case for now.  A three-month checkup which was to happen Monday the 13th with the surgeon, Dr. Moore has run into a snag, not of my making.  So it's the waiting part that became apparent today with the rescheduling of a couple of things.   I was looking forward to a Pet Scan Monday to determine the cancer health of the surgery site.  It was scheduled at I U North.  Yesterday I was informed that I U North doesn't do that kind of scan.  So...the next available date at Methodist Hospital is Sept 29th.  Then I needed to reschedule Dr. Moore's visit which was also on the 13th.  The first available date for the Dr. visit is  Nov. 2nd. .  Woo...that's really a stretch.  These original appointments were scheduled 3 months ago.  So I guess the hurry-up part is really gone and the wait is front and center.  Health appointments are really interesting these days.  So as of today, I'm assuming that all is well unless I hear differently.  I'm OK with that.  

You might remember the song,  Trust and Obey for there's no other way.  I'm centering on the trust part. 

This morning I continued with a 15-minute clean-up until I heard the garbage truck rumble down the street.  That guy is certainly helpful.  Then it was patio and afternoon nap time.  Little by little, the fall clean-up job continues to happen.  A few days ago I worked on the hosta patch on the north side of the house.  My favorite Sum and Substance Hosta is better than ever.  I've told Doug that if we ever have a hail storm, I expect him to stand over that hosta with an umbrella.  It's beautiful and I haven't held him to it.  And it's doing a great job of surviving all by itself..  So here it is.  

The whole plant measures 6 feet across with some of the leaves being at least a foot in length.  It's beautiful.  

I gave a start to our Michigan son Jared/Kimmy last year.  Two leaves came up this year but I said...Watch out...Next year it will leap. Every year it will be more beautiful than the year before.  

The hostas have been beautiful this year with at least 90% avoiding the nibble of the deer.  They are in shade most of the time.  A perfect spot for them.  

The rain is reviving the flowers.  The snapdragons are thinking about a rebloom.  

The garden continues to be my resting place when the clippers are not working.  


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