Just Hanging Out.

 Rest it is...It would seem that yesterday I could have done a better job of pacing.  It was a busy morning and today I'm continuing the recuperation part.  The mind and the body have got to do a better job of working together. That is not a new problem. Since surgery, there are additional consequences to an overworked body..  The muscle that was taken from my back was used to repair my head. Today it's rest for the weary back.  It's just full of aches extending into my arm.  It has my attention.  My prayer is to remember that.  You can join me anytime.  So I'm sending flowers to you, my loyal encouraging readers.  

Zinnias of course.  The fall temperatures and rain seem to create vivid colors.  

This morning the hummingbirds were enjoying them.  There are still more flowers in the garden so no need to feel sorry for the birds.  

So flowers for you. 

It would seem that the Monarchs have left the area starting their trip to Mexico.  A few generations along the way south will help that to happen.   The spring trip is entirely made by a single Manarch. 

 This doesn't look like much but I'm excited to tell you that the seeds have germinated and the lettuce is up.  Get's me fired up every time that happens.  

So it's a start.  I planted two kinds and the second group is still sleeping but soon to be here is the hope.  

There is nothing quite like leaf lettuce directly from the garden.  Yum, yum. 

So a day of rest knowing the world will wait for me until the body says it's time to go clipping again.  


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