
 Today felt like an old Thursday.  For many years I worked at our church soup kitchen on Thursdays.  At some point I moved to Saturday because of a staffing need.  Today I was a Thursday person, doing much the same as I would on Saturday.  There are a lot of jobs that need to be completed to meet the 11:00 deadline when our guests are invited to take a lunch or two home with them..  Once again we met the deadline.  Such a great feeling.  During little breaks in the morning's work I also completed a few other things that had to do with the Sunday worship service.  It was a busy morning.  

On the way home I used my Meijer coupons at their store and picked up a friend and delivered her to her place of work.  Then home for lunch and a nap.  Later this afternoon I made a quick trop to JoAnn's for a couple of things.  

Tonight is choir practice.  Will I go or will I stay home.  Yet to be determined.  Tuesday's  news hit me loke a ton of bricks, or feeling run over by a steam roller or having the rug pulled out from under.  I'm dealing with that and know that being with friends would be good but I'm not real interested in talking yet.  Writing is easier.  

So choir is yet to be determined.   It will all become clear at some point.  


  1. Yesterday's entry has been posted on our prayer board. And today you were remembered in our intercessory prayers at Mass. It is the feast of St. Thérèse of Lisieux who was a quiet, hidden Carmelite and who is now a feisty and busy saint - "All is grace." (If we are open to receiving it.)


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