Whirlwind Saturday.

 This morning was one of two Saturday's a month when I work at our church Bread and Bowl feeding program.  September usually brings something a little bit different for those Saturdays.  The Butler Basketball team divides into two groups each filling one of the Saturdays.  Today was the first of two, the second being next Saturday.  And it was a busy morning once again calling on all of those organizational skills I once used when teaching.  I told them they are like second graders just a bit taller, also adding that any group that is to complete a project successfully needs some degree of organization.  They understood.  There were seven players with their two coaches.  And they were busy as well as the regular workers who provided the organization help.  It was a fun morning.  One of our neighborhood guys is at the table getting something to take home for a meal or two while the guys visit with him.  For some it was their first soup kitchen experience.  Others had worked at their church outreach.    

Today there were close to 30 folks who appeared at church between the hours of 11 and 12.  A take-home meal or two can also be gotten on Tuesdays and Thursdays as well as Saturday.  

This ministry has been happening at this place for close to 40 years.  I am amazed at how many first-time folks we have as well as returning folks from time to time.  Kroger Mkt. also provides bread and the table includes other things that are donated.  

The succulent Autumn Joy is beginning to show color.  It's always a marker that there is something different in the air.  It's a new color and one that I really enjoy after the bright colors of summer.  

So life is good.  Knitting continues and the world keeps turning.  Praise God from whom all Blessings Flow.  

I mean ALL

Church tomorrow!!!   

Doug continues in good health.  


  1. Is that flower Joe Pyeweed?

    I was so proud of my aging memory that remembered all nine names an hour after wwe left. It helped that two of the players have the same name: Myles. The others were Deej, Pierce, CD (from CA - Canada), JM, Jayden, Will, and Coach Val Jordan. . . I am usually TERRIBLE with names.

    Anyone who goes to or listens to Butler Basketball - take note of those names. . .


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