
 This morning the walk through the garden with clippers had that gift of wet cold feet added to the experience.  I found zinnia blossoms dryings.  When checking for seeds, some seemed to be mature.  With some hope and luck, there will be seeds ready to plant next spring for next year's  Monarch butterflies.  This year's zinnias gifted me with next year's seeds.   Never too early to plan ahead. I'll let the flower part dry completely and then pull the flower peddles of and the walla.  Seeds for planting.  Lots of seeds for planting.   They are a healthy black color.  I hope it works.

Another new to us friend is fixing the damage that appeared in the bathroom when the ceiling fell as the roofers pounded.  The rain leaking through was the culprit.    

Another helper to make things right.  That's always appreciated.  

The needlework continues with taking some stitching away and putting in something else.  It's that time in a project when I seem to get better ideas so it's take away and add better.  

Rosie asked me what pattern I used.  For this kind of work, it's what comes out of my head.  My kind of thing to do.  And again, what is sewn can almost always be undone and then redone.  

Today could be called a stay-at-home day although the library might get a visit. 

For some reason, the morning has brought parts of the music that we have rehearsed for worship services planned for November.  The title is How Can I Keep From Singing.  Arranged by Ronald Staheli.  It's such an interesting arrangement with Kate singing a wonderful solo sort of.  The choir is the pips for a bit of the arrangement.  But the words! Perhaps what I have been living this year. 

No storm can shake while to that Rock I am clinging.  Since Love is Lord of heaven and earth, How can I keep from singing?  I lift my eyes, the cloud grows thin, I see the blue above it.  And day by day this pathway smooths, Since first I learned to love it.  All things are mine since Truth I've found.  How can I keep from singing?  

On a particularly dark day in mind and thought a few weeks ago when things take the time they take, I was driving back from the grocery approaching the over pass over 465.  The car was making the climb and I happened to look at the sky.  It was the most beautiful blue and it changed my mood in an instance.  At that moment also the words,,,"I see the blue above it. And day by day this pathway smooths." was added to the experience.  A healing memory I will have for a long time.  

Blessings abound. 


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