It feels like knots time.

 I wish some weather would not be such a noose around my neck.  Rain just can be that noose.  Maybe it's not the rain but other pending actions which has been pending for a very long time.  Maybe it's not rainy weather but the waiting.  I checked my records and I heard there would be more doctor work to do the last of Sept.  So I waited.  You just got a recording of how my brain works.  Trying to figure out all of what has happened and what is to come is not something I'm good at.  Lately, there have been knots.  I guess that's why doctors exist, I suppose untieing knots.  Three more sleeps and information will be gathered.  That's a very good thing.  Then just two more weeks of waiting till I visit Dr. Schneider for a plan.  My life flows on says the song.  The knot shelf is empty.  I need to store my knots there.  

Last night was a great choir practice time with friends planning for All Saints Sunday and then a little bit of Advent.  There is a pattern that I'm happy to acknowledge.  I love patterns of the church year that provide order.  

Today, I'm back on the sewing machine.  One huge project was finished and delivered.  Now I'm using what's left to make another gift for the same lady.  It helps with waiting big time.  The knots disappear somehow like magic.  

I've added more seeds to the collection and thought about possibilities for Christmas gifts.  The kids get a little out of round when I say I can't think of anything..  So...I'm thinking fast and furious about answers to that question.  There are some garden ideas.    

This zinnia plant is producing the best mature seeds.  So I guess there will be a lot of red zinnias next summer.  Yesterday the Jonquil bulbs arrived along with some Crocus bulbs to add to the flower beds. soon as the beds dry out they will get planted.  That could be digger Doug's hole digging job.  I want to plant them all together to make a huge splash of spring by the patio.   I love those surprises.  Yes, more waiting but I know what the outcome will be.  There will be beautiful flowers making a huge welcome to the world next spring. 


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