Planning ahead.

 It never hurts to plan ahead.  The day planned for will happen even if it now is a number of days away.  It's one of those Things take the Time they Take things.   That leads me to write that this morning I hit the trail taking me to where gift cards moved from the store and now are waiting in the hutch for Xmas.  Woo..even before Halloween.  That's planning ahead.  So most of the Xmas but not quite all is in the bag!!!.  Just something to cross off the to-do list.  It's a brain/mind easier.  The grandsons love to do their own shopping.  I'm all for that.  

Yesterday I visited with friend Marcia in the afternoon.  And then Karen dropped by and then Beth dropped by and finally, Nancy dropped by.  Two of the three I had not seen in at least 10 years.  They once were North people but jobs have taken to other places.  Woo..did we talk!  Such unexpected planning brought us all together.  Marcia's place seems to be a great draw for visiting.

Today I did more zinnia seed harvesting.  This time the little plants are about 10 inches in height when mature.  I know these seeds are good because some have dropped already on the ground and many, many little zinnia plants are growing now.  These little flowers are great for lining the pathways through the garden. 

More knitting this afternoon.  A few years ago I knitted about 80 hats from yarn of all kinds that I found at Goodwill and were gifted.  I gave them all to folks who came to our church Bread and Bowl during those cold winter months.  That's not a goal this year.  This year's goal is to keep my mind in the right place.  That's good enough for me.  


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