
 Sometimes when out and about I see a truck with the words restoration added to their logo.  It refers to restoration from water and fire damage.  Restored to what was or maybe something new.  

Yesterday I will call my beginning restoration day.  There has been physical damage and mental anxiety damage but yesterday the beginning of restoration was evident.  It felt ready to begin again.  I experienced that unstuck feeling. The foundation probably was laid while unaware. The package arrived filled with ambition to begin a project that used my creative juices filling the morning with a whole lot of try this, will it work, what beautiful colors, and that's good.  It's a sewing project that will bring Christmas memory gifts to a family.  How wonderful to be a part of that gift.  Sewing continues today and for more days ahead.  

More restoration via phone calls and visits arrived.  Noah was here for the day via Kat's transport.  Son Eric stopped by,  A very, very long conversation with son Jared as he and Kimmy transported a big load of sheep to market filled the air with laughter, sharing information of interest.  I was happy to learn the transport would take some time.  It was a long conversation. The restoration continued.  

More phone calls.  One from Sister Karen, another great potter friend of some years giving of herself in spiritual mentoring to many folks.  She's my prayer warrior.  Kathy called and the phone line was used.  The airway was a bit muffled.  Kathy also is a cancer survivor sharing information that seems to be much of what I am currently experiencing.  Two cards arrived in the mail.  One from Kathy and one from Denise.  The picture on Kathy's card...a huge Monarch.  She knows me well. Now Denise's cards are really something else.  She just takes any card, today's was a birthday card and changes the words that needed changing.  I received Christmas cards this year when it wasn't Christmas.  Denise sent it because it was full of glitter.  You get the idea.  When her name on the return address is spotted, I know it will be something unique arriving giving me a chuckle even before opening.  

I sent texts to two friends, one to neighbor Judy who received a new hip yesterday.  She will return home today with care from her daughter Cory now living in Denver,  here for her mother's first days of recuperation and restoration.  Friend Janet returned home after an outpatient procedure.  Now both are in the restoration phase of their recovery.  

Some years ago friend and mentor Doris experienced the loss of her husband.  All of her creative feelings were gone for some time but restoration arrived.   It is expressed and recorded in a banner now evident in her Cup of Blessing Banner.  It's a cup placed at the center with her famous Due Drops from Heaven theme, filling the banner.  The banner color in shades of blue fills the space, blue being a color expressing love.  It's a Mary color.   Now restoration takes the time it takes.  Part of Mary Oliver is back. 

I was just thinking about how our bodies are continually in the process of restoration without us aware of that process.  Cells continue to die while other new ones take their place.  Flowers make seeds so that they can once again return to the garden with a renewed spirit.  Perennials come back each year after a winter rest.  It is a circle of renewal and restoration that I call the God Plan.  Thanks be to God for the mercy of restoration. 


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